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University Medical Center Groningen

dr. A. (Andrea) Dietrich

Senior researcher, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Profile picture of dr. A. (Andrea) Dietrich

Research interests

I am a research psychologist with a background in clinical, developmental and biological/neuro psychology. The focus of my research is on the causes and consequences of ADHD, aggression, and tics/OCD in children and adolescents. Topics of my interest are cognition, biomarkers, stress physiology, gene-environment associations, early adversities (pre- and perinatal, stress, family and social context), as well as predictors of treatment success. 


  • Social cognition in adolescents with disruptive disorders and aggression, an EEG study (SCODA)
  • Social cognition in adolescents with autism spectrum disorders (SCASS), an EEG study. Collaboration with EU-AIMS/LEAP. (SCASS)
  • Methylphenidate discontinuation studies and audit (MASK, PROEFSTOP, MEDUSA). Risperidone discontinuation study and audit (ORKA).  
  • DREAMS: Dutch Research in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Study. An initiative of the four major Dutch centers Accare, Curium, Karakter and Levvel to improve child and adolescent mental health. Focus: 1. predictors treatment success, 2. neuropsychology. (DREAMS)
  • Eat2beNICE: International collaboration on the role of nutrition on mental health. Horizon 2020 (E2BN)
  • VANTASTIC: Randomized placebo-controlled trial with a broad-spectrum micronutrient food supplement in collaboration with the Central Institute for Mental Health, Mannheim, Germany (VANTASTIC)
  • TIC Genetics: European coordinator of the Tourette International Collaborative Genetics Study in collaboration with Rutgers University/NIMH, New Jersey, USA (TIC Genetics)
  • EMTICS: European Multicentre Tics in Children Studies on the role of genetics, immunology and environmental factors on the onset and course of tics. A prospective study. (EMTICS EU factsheet)
  • TS-Eurotrain: European network for tic disorders. (EU factsheet)
  • NeuroIMAGE: Collaboration with Donders Institute Nijmegen
  • AGGRESSOTYPE: Causes of and subtyping aggression - (neuro)cognitive functioning (AGGRESSOTYPE)
  • MATRICS: Causes of aggression - gene-environment (MATRICS)
  • ZonMW funded study contextual predictors of treatment success in child and adolescent mental health care. Predictors-of-treatment-success
  • TRAILS: 1. Psychophysiological studies. 2. Gene-environment interactions on the course of ADHD. (TRAILS)
  • For more information on projects and results see ACCARE Child Study Center

(Co)Supervision PhD Candidates

Participation in PhD projects:

Book Chapters

  • Handbook child- and adolescent psychiatry (2022). Neurobiological developmental disorders: tic disorders. Andrea Dietrich. Boom Publisher Amsterdam, eds. Ramón Lindauer, Wouter Staal, pp. 164-179. [Dutch]
  • Handbook Gilles de la Tourette (2019). Neuropsychological assessments. Boom Uitgever Amsterdam, eds. Cara Verdellen, Agnes Wertenbroek, Daniëlle Cath, pp 164-179. [Dutch]
Last modified:25 June 2022 02.26 a.m.