dr. A. (Andrea) Dietrich
Senior onderzoeker, kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie

a.dietrich umcg.nl
Ik ben onderzoekspsycholoog en heb een achtergrond in de klinische, ontwikkelings- en biologische/neuro- psychologie. Mijn onderzoek richt zich op de oorzaken en gevolgen van ADHD, agressie en tics bij kinderen en jongeren. Ik ben geïnteresseerd in cognitie, biomarkers, stress fysiology, gen-omgevingsverbanden en vroege risicofactoren (bijvoorbeeld, prenataal, stress). In mijn meer klinisch georiënteerd onderzoek richt ik me op voorspellers van behandeluitkomsten (met name kind-, ouder-, gezins- en omgevings factoren), kwaliteit van leven en lifestyle factoren.
YEAH! A holistic lifestyle intervention program in youth. EU-funded. 01/2025-2030.
BOUNCE BACK Coping and quality of life in people with Tourette and their families. Investigator-funded. 2025-.
Long-term effects of methylphenidate MEDUSA 07/2023-2028.
OPADE Optimize and predict antidepressant efficacy. EU-funded Horizon. 01/2023-2028.
Welke rol spelen genderpatronen en mate van betrokkenheid bij de opvoeding van ouders bij behandelmotivatie en -effectiviteit van jongens en meisjes die zijn verwezen naar de jeugd GGZ? ZonMW. 12/2022-06/2024.
Social cognition in adolescents with disruptive disorders and aggression, an EEG study. Investigator-funded 2021-. (SCODA)
Social cognition in adolescents with autism spectrum disorders (SCASS), an EEG study. Investigator-funded 2021-. Collaboration with EU-AIMS/LEAP. (SCASS)
DREAMS: Dutch Research in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Study. An initiative of the four major Dutch centers Accare, Curium, Karakter and Levvel to improve child and adolescent mental health. (DREAMS)
Eat2beNICE: International collaboration on the role of nutrition on mental health. Horizon 2020. 2017-2022. (E2BN)
VANTASTIC: Randomized placebo-controlled trial with a broad-spectrum micronutrient food supplement in collaboration with the Central Institute for Mental Health, Mannheim, Germany. 2017-2022. (VANTASTIC)
Risperidone discontinuation study and audit (ORKA) Dutch National Funds 2013-2017.
TIC Genetics: European coordination of the Tourette International Collaborative Genetics Study in collaboration with Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA. NIMH funded. 06/2011-03/2024 (TIC Genetics)
EMTICS: European Multicentre Tics in Children Studies on the role of genetics, immunology and environmental factors on the onset and course of tics. A prospective study. EU-funded FP7 2012-2018. (EMTICS EU factsheet)
TS-Eurotrain: European network for tic disorders. 2012-2016. (EU factsheet)
AGGRESSOTYPE: Causes of and subtyping aggression - (neuro)cognitive functioning. EU-funded FP7. 2017-2022.
MATRICS: Causes of aggression - gene-environment. EU-funded FP7. 2014-2019. (MATRICS)
NeuroIMAGE: Collaboration with Donders Institute Nijmegen.
ZonMW funded study contextual predictors of treatment success in child and adolescent mental health care. 2014-2017. (Voorspellers-van-behandelsucces)
TRAILS: 1. Psychophysiological studies. 2. Gene-environment interactions on the course of ADHD. (TRAILS)
Voor meer informatie en resultaten van onderzoek zie ACCARE Child Study Center
Supervisie PhD Candidaten
Elke de Jonge: Social cognition in adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. An EEG study (SCASS). Due 10/2023.
Gülhan Saracaydin: Response inhibition, brain functioning and genetic correlations in disruptive disorders and ADHD (AGGRESSOTYPE, NeuroIMAGE). Due 11/2022.
Paul Rosenau: Discontinuation of methylphenidate treatment, a randomized controlled trial in clinical practice (PROEFSTOP, MASK). Due 09/2022. Optimizing methylphenidate treatment in youths - beyond ADHD symptoms. Completed 09/2024.
Renee Kleine Deters: Emotion recognition and executive functioning in disruptive disorders (AGGRESSOTYPE, NeuroIMAGE). Due 09/2022. Completed. Defense: March 2025.
Halewijn Drent: Contextual predictors of treatment success in child and adolescent mental healthcare. (ZonMW grant).
Thaïra Openneer: The clinical presentation, neurocognition and neural correlates of children with Tourette Syndrome. (EMTICS, TS-EUROTRAIN). Completed 07/2021.
Hyun Ruisch: Gene-environment interactions in disruptive behaviors. (MATRICS, NeuroIMAGE, ALSPAC). Completed 11/2020.
Djûke Brinksma: Gene-environment interactions on the course of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) symptoms: From early into late adolescence. (TRAILS) Completed 11/2018.
Mohamed Abdulkadir: Genetic and environmental correlates of Tourette Syndrome (TIC Genetics, ALSPAC). Completed 11/2021.
Mariken Dinnissen: Long-term use of risperidone in clinical practice: A randomized placebo-controlled discontinuation study (ORKA).
Anne-Flore Matthijssen: How appropriate is the increased use of methylphenidate? A practice audit and placebo-controlled discontinuation trial (MASK). Completed 05/2024.
Co-begeleider bij PhD projecten:
Özde Sönmez: Environmental and neural predictors of ADHD trajectories in youth: data from the ABCD study. Due 04/2026. Collaboration Oldenburg University.
Tammo Viering: Emotion dysregulation and brain functioning in the NeuroIMAGE study. A collaboration with Oldenburg University, Germany and Donders Institute, Nijmegen. Due 03/2022. Deviations in neural activity and network integration underpinning the co-occurrence of emotion dysregulation and ADHD: Analyses of fMRI task activations and functional brain network topology. Completed 05/2022.
Simone Breider: Parent training in children with autism spectrum disorder and behavioral problems (SPARTA).
Natalie Forde: Structual and neurochemical correlates of Tourette’s disorder and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. (TS-Eurotrain). Completed 12/2017.
Perinatal adversities and Tourette Syndrome (2022). Pieter J. Hoekstra & Andrea Dietrich.
Handboek kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie (2022). Neurobiologische ontwikkelingsstoornissen: ticstoornissen. Andrea Dietrich. Boom Uitgever Amsterdam, eds. Ramón Lindauer, Wouter Staal, hfd 14.5, pp 296-307. [Dutch]
Handboek Gilles de la Tourette (2019). Neuropsychologisch onderzoek. Andrea Dietrich. Boom Uitgever Amsterdam, eds. Cara Verdellen, Agnes Wertenbroek, Daniëlle Cath, hfd 9, pp 164-179. [Dutch]
Laatst gewijzigd: | 23 januari 2025 23:06 |