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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. A.D. Diemers

Research interests

Medical Education

Qualitative research

Workplace based learning

Self-regulated learning

Early patient contacts

Expertise development

Faculty development

Teacher identity


Advances and challenges in endoscopy training: A mixed methods study among endoscopy trainers in the Netherlands

Candid insights and overlooked facets: what medical students write about patient-centeredness in diaries on longitudinal patient contacts

Perceptions and Guiding Strategies to Regulate Entrusted Autonomy of Residents in the Operating Room: A Systematic Literature Review

The Many Faces of Good Operating Room Supervision: Supervisors' and Residents' Perspectives After Operating Together

A social network perspective on peer relationship formation of medical undergraduates within large-scale learning communities

Challenges to acquire similar learning outcomes across four parallel thematic learning communities in a medical undergraduate curriculum

Connecting and engaging our teachers at the UMCG

Educational Leadership at the UMCG (University Medical Center Groningen)

Influence of online collaborative learning on social network and academic performance of medical students: lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic

Learning patient-centredness with simulated/standardized patients: A realist review: BEME Guide No. 68

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