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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons A. (Andrea) Capiluppi, Prof

Research interests

  • open source technologies
  • software development
  • software components
  • software maintenance
  • natural language processing
  • machine learning


Beyond the Systematic: Forecasting Importance and Emergence of Research Areas in Applications of Software Traceability Using NLP

Multi-granular software annotation using file-level weak labelling

SATDAUG - A Balanced and Augmented Dataset for Detecting Self-Admitted Technical Debt

Applications of natural language processing in software traceability: A systematic mapping study

Artifact Traceability in DevOps: An Industrial Experience Report

Booting and Rebooting Academia-Industry Collaborations within Software Engineering Courses

Burnout in software engineering: A systematic mapping study

From Descriptive to Predictive: Forecasting Emerging Research Areas in Software Traceability Using NLP from Systematic Studies

GitRanking: A ranking of GitHub topics for software classification using active sampling

Weak Labelling for File-level Source Code Classification