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Bestuurlijke verschillen in gerealiseerde onderwijskwaliteit. Bijgestelde en aangevulde versie: November 2023. GION/Universiteit Twente

High-quality teachers in low-quality schools: understanding the variation in teaching quality in low-achieving Chilean schools

Physically active learning for children with learning disorders attending special-needs schools: A program evaluation

The impact of interpersonal perceptions on the process of dealing with errors while providing and processing peer-feedback on writing

Are track recommendations dependent on schools and school boards? A study of trends in the level of track recommendations, number of double recommendations and reconsiderations in Dutch urban and rural areas

Development of fundamental motor skills between 2006 and 2016 in Dutch primary school children

Gender and minority background as moderators of teacher expectation effects on self-concept, subjective task values, and academic performance

In the eye of the beholder: The relationship between perceived peer language skills, provided peer feedback and peer grading in secondary education

Bewegend leren in het speciaal basisonderwijs

Cross-national achievement surveys and educational monitoring in the Netherlands


Onderadvisering geen grootstedelijk, maar een plattelandsprobleem

Is kansenongelijkheid in het onderwijs dan tóch geen typisch stadsprobleem?

Schoolkeuze dit jaar zonder ouders

Does bias in secondary school track recommendations change over time?