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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. A.C. (Bart) Noort


Drivers and Barriers to Implementing the Internet of Things in the Health Care Supply Chain: Mixed Methods Multicase Study

Intensive out-of-hospital coaching for frequently hospitalized COPD patients:: a before-after feasibility study

Outsourcing the Management of Reusable Medical Devices in a Chain-Wide Care Setting: Mixed Methods Feasibility Study

Orchestration versus bookkeeping: How stakeholder pressures drive a healthcare purchaser’s institutional logics

Using Regional Funding to Achieve Transparent and Personalized Health Care

Viral causes of severe acute respiratory infection in hospitalized children and association with outcomes: A two-year prospective surveillance study in Suriname

How healthcare systems shape a purchaser's strategies and actions when managing chronic care

The healthcare purchaser as a care chain orchestrator: Healthcare system limitations and opportunities

An update of "Cost-effectiveness of rotavirus vaccination in the Netherlands: the results of a Consensus Rotavirus Vaccine model"