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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons A.B. (Berfu) Ünal, Dr


Acceptability of connected automated vehicles: Attributes, perceived behavioural control, and perceived adoption norm

Supply chain and logistics in digital transformation

De Gruyter handbook of sustainable entrepreneurship research

Integrating Sustainability in University Curricula: Investigating Students’ Perceptions, Motivations and Interests


Student perceptions of Living Lab research internships in the COVID-19 pandemic – a Dutch case study

Value-Driven Leadership in Sustainable Entrepreneurship

Context matters: The role of perceived ease and feasibility vis-à-vis biospheric values in recycling behaviour

Is virtual reality a valid tool for restorative environments research?

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Hoe draagt muziek bij aan veiligheid tijdens het autorijden?

Logistiek living lab voor duurzaam delen

Listening to music while driving will kill you?

Repetition and Perceptual Fluency

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