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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. A.B. (Anja) Smykowski
University Medical Center Groningen

dr. A.B. (Anja) Smykowski

Manager UMCG Grant Support Hub and project coordinator outreach and societal impact (OASIS)

Professional experience

Manager Grant Support Hub (since March 2020)

Coordinator Impact Support (Project OASIS, together with Elena Merlo, since September 2019)

Funding coordinator UMCG Grant Support Hub (Dec.2019 - March2020)


Funding officer UMCG Grant Support Hub and project manager UMCG Research BV (Jan. 2017 – Nov. 2018)

Editor at Springer Nature Netherlands (Sept. 2012 – Dec. 2016)

Supervision of 7 journals and a book portfolio in the area of Microbiology and Biotechnology

Postdoc position at the University of Tübingen, Department of General Genetics (Nov. 2010 – Sept. 2011)

Conference talks

Ervaringen met Chat GPT bij het zoeken en genereren van informatie in onderzoek en onderwijs (Generatieve AI: tussen angst en verlangen, Samenwerking Noord, 2023, Groningen, NL)

Towards a value-driven research culture (EARMA 2021, Oslo, Norway)

Using the Logical Framework Apporach in Project Design (EARMA 2019, Bologna, Italy)

multiple invited talks during PhD/postdoc (Gordon Research Conference on Plant Senescence, ZMBP conference)

Teaching experience

Various workshops given (on publishing at MERIT, on grant writing and consortium building at UMCG, on how to include impact in your research strategy at UMCG)

Supervision of master and bachelor students from Hanzehogeschool Groningen and University of Groningen

Teaching activities during PhD thesis and mentoring of diploma and bachelor students (2007 – 2010)


Assistant for: zoological course “experimental design” (Mai 2006), advanced course “genetic engineering” (2005 – 2006), course “Tropical Marine Ecology” in Egypt (Sept. 2005), undergraduate course in genetics (2002 – 2006) 

Education and training

PhD thesis at the University of Tübingen, Department of General Genetics, AG Zentgraf (magna cum laude) (March 2007 – Oct. 2010)


Diploma thesis at the University of Tübingen, Department of animal evolutionary ecology (Oct. 2005 – July 2006)


Biology studies at the University of Tübingen, degree: very good, in the field of genetics, animal physiology and geology (Oct. 2000 – July 2006)

Stay abroad

Various international conferences during PhD thesis, Editor and funding officer position


Lizard Island Research Station (Great Barrier Reef, North Queensland, Australia), practical part of diploma thesis (Nov. 2005 – Jan. 2006)


Study abroad at the University of Queensland (Brisbane, Australia) with emphasis on marine biology and aboriginal literature (Feb. 2003 – Sept. 2003)


Study exchange (Republic of Singapore), 3 weeks (Sept. 1996)

Personal skills and competences

-          Languages:

German and Polish (native speaker), English (fluent), Dutch (good command), French (basic knowledge)


-          Substantial experience in team and project administration by supervising the UMCG Grant Support Hub team, and organizing several diploma, bachelor and student thesis.


-          Substantial knowledge of all current Microsoft Office und Adobe Tools, general knowledge in HTML

Additional information

Leardership traiing (UMCG, 2024)
Training in organisational culture (UMCG, 2024)

Leadership training (RUG, 2019)

Training received on Logical Framework Approach (LFA), 2017

Courses taken from 2008 to 2011:

Introduction to project management, Introduction to publishing economy, Introduction to the modern publishing house and publishing management, Professional team training, Introduction to science journalism, Klaus Tschira Workshop Science Journalism

Laatst gewijzigd:22 mei 2024 09:40