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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. A.A. (Agata) Troost

Research interests

Postdoc researcher working on socio-spatial inequalities as a part of ESSPIN project (


Neighbourhood effects on educational attainment. What matters more: Exposure to poverty or exposure to affluence?

Neighbourhood histories and educational attainment: The role of accumulation, duration, timing and sequencing of exposure to poverty

War and Peace, and INGOs, 1914-1945

Big data in sociological research: will they change the game?

Modelling Neighbourhood Effects in Three Dutch Cities Controlling for Selection


Wijken uit balans: hoe worden ze weer veilig en leefbaar?

Kwetsbare wijken hebben niets aan kunstmatige sociale menging

Bewoners van de kwetsbaarste wijken hebben niets aan kunstmatige sociale menging