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Iris Vis has stepped down as Dean of Industry Relations of the RUG as of 1 January 2022

29 March 2022

Iris Vis has stepped down from her position as Dean of Industry Relations at the University of Groningen as of January 1, 2022. In the previous five years, she and her team built on the strategy and implementation of the university's collaboration with external parties on behalf of the Executive Board. Now that social engagement has been given a central place in the new strategic plan and the work is structurally embedded in the organization, Vis thought it was a good time to pass on the torch.

"We regret Iris Vis' departure, but are grateful for her years of commitment. She has done essential pioneering work to permanently strengthen the social commitment of the University of Groningen," said Hans Biemans, member of the Executive Board. Since January 1, Vis has been focusing full time on her other position as professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business.

Vis developed an integral approach to launching and supporting social impact initiatives. This approach focuses on establishing new contacts with external parties, on interdisciplinary cooperation between researchers and lecturers and on the joint formation of a vision. "When everyone involved has the same goals in mind, great things can be achieved," says Vis.

Together with her team, Iris Vis also successfully put the approach she developed into practice on several occasions. This has contributed to the emergence of major collaborations between the RUG and other parties, such as the Groningen Digital Business Centre and the Digital Literacy Coalition. Numerous other social initiatives have also been started or supported by Vis and her team, including on the topics of digital society and the circular economy.

Innovation, an open mind and, above all, commitment to and for society are central to the University of Groningen's new strategic plan for 2021-2026. The university will have four Schools on the themes of energy, digitalization, sustainable society and health. The four Schools and the University of the North are two important new tools for interacting with and contributing to society. "Iris Vis' work has certainly helped to prepare the RUG for this new phase," said Hans Biemans.

Wietske Degen, coordinator Industry Relations, has been the contact person on behalf of the team since January 1. You can reach her at w.t.a.degen

Last modified:29 March 2022 09.42 a.m.
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