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Maatschappij/bedrijven Centrum voor Informatie Technologie Research and Innovation Support Diensten Geodienst

Cursussen & workshops

Werken met ruimtelijke data en analyses leer je het snelst door zelf aan te slag te gaan met GIS! Er zijn vele goede zelfstudie mogelijkheden voor ArcGIS en QGIS. Daarnaast bieden we ook persoonlijke ondersteuning bij het opzetten van onderzoeken met GIS. In het najaar zullen we weer onze nieuwe cursuscatalogus updaten met nog meer mogelijkheden.

Making maps prettier with QGIS
23 January | 13:00 - 17:00 | CIT Bluegene; Smitsborg, Nettelbosje 1
Ready to turn your maps into visually stunning masterpieces? Join our workshop: "Making Maps Prettier with QGIS", and discover how to transform your data into beautiful, impactful designs!
Sign up here
Introduction to ArcGIS
20 February | 13:00 - 17:00 | CIT Bluegene; Smitsborg, Nettelbosje 1
Embark on your GIS journey with ArcGIS! This beginner-friendly course is tailored for PhD students eager to integrate GIS into their research. Whether you're new to GIS or need a refresher, this workshop is designed to help you work with spatial data confidently and effectively.
Sign up here
Into the World of Online Mapping
27 March | 13:00 - 17:00 | Digital Humanities Lab, Broerstraat 5
Learn how to use ArcGIS Online to collect, analyze, and visualize spatial data, create interactive web maps, and collaborate effectively in a cloud-based environment. Gain the skills to share your research insights with a broader audience using dynamic, web-based tools.
Sign up here
Storymapping with ArcGIS
24 April | 13:00-17:00 | Digital Humanities Lab, Broerstraat 5
Learn how to build a visual story based on scientific research. Give your narrative a stronger sense of place and learn how to illustrate relationships between places by adding visual examples to your ideas. 
Sign up

Cursussen op aanvraag

  • Making Maps with QGIS
  • Making Maps prettier
  • Finding your way in open Dutch geodata
  • Geocoaching: personalized mapping
  • Open science with Story Maps


Mini College

Laatst gewijzigd:09 december 2024 14:35
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