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Society/business Center for Information Technology Research and Innovation Support Services Data Science



Using artificial intelligence to accelerate research into the cell cycle of yeast cells

(author: Jorn Lelong)
Many complex biological processes, such as cell division or the spread of cancer cells, were discovered using yeast cells. And yet, our knowledge of yeast cells is still relatively limited. Andreas Milias-Argeitis is Assistant Professor of Molecular Systems Biology and researches the budding yeast cell cycle, in other words, the series of steps a yeast cell goes through in order to divide. The Data Science Team developed an algorithm using machine learning that is able to efficiently recognize yeast cells.

Data Science: Frisian is not a standard language

(author: Jorn Lelong)
For her research into language change in Frisian, Nanna Hilton, professor of Sociolinguistics, was assisted by 14,000 Frisian speakers. This resulted in a large amount of data. By participating in the annual Call for Proposals Data Science of the CIT, she received support from the Data Science team of the CIT in processing the data in distribution maps. These maps show where the various Frisian accents are used in the province.

Revisiting the philosophical canon using Artificial Intelligence

(author: Jorn Lelong)
Dr Andrea Sangiacomo of the Faculty of Philosphy enlisted the help of the Data Science Team at the CIT to assist him in his research to paint an accurate and complete picture of one of the most influential branches of philosphy in history: early modern natural philosphy.

The solution to filter bubbles? Artificial Intelligence!

(author: Jorn Lelong)
The Data Science team at the CIT offers support in the research of prof.dr. Tommaso Caselli to break our filter bubble using an algorithm.

Green plastics thanks to Artificial Intelligence

(author: Jorn Lelong)
The Groningen start-up BioBTX wants to blast a new, green gust of fresh air through the chemical industry. To be able to do this, the comapany is counting on artificial intelligens of the Data Science Team.

A fresh wind through genomics, physics and history

(author: Jorn Lelong)
An impression of the contribution of data science to scientific research in various fields:
- KVI-Center for Advanced Radiation Technology: a deep dive into particle physics;
- Genomics Coordination Centre: a new screening tool for hereditary diseases;
- History: a virtual journey to the 17th century Netherlands.


Awarded projects Call for proposals 2019

Awarded projectsCall for proposals 2018

SPRINGH - Sensor data Processed for Reliable Inovative Health Guidance J.C. Wortmann, Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde, Operations
Within the scope of the SPRINGH project, researchers are investigating whether feedback given to office workers about their behaviour (measured with IoT devices) leads to a healthier office environment. Read more about SPRINGH.

Platform Pop - Spotify’s Role as an Intermediary in the Music Industry

Dr. R. Prey, dr. M. Esteve Del Valle, Faculteit der Letteren, Journalistieke cultuur en Media
The aim of the Platform Pop project is to determine the role of Spotify in the music industry. Researchers are analysing the Spotify Twitter account and Spotify playlists to discover the effect of Spotify on the changing role of larger and smaller record labels.

Read more about Platform Pop.

Rewriting Nature - studying the early modern scientific vocabulary in the Republic of Letters with word2vec

Dr. A. Sangiacomo, Faculteit Wijsbegeerte, Geschiedenis van de Filosofie
The Rewriting Nature project is using text mining technology to analyse how the language used among academics and the meaning of concepts have changed over the course of time. Read more on Rewriting Nature.

Central Sensitization and Physical Activity in patients with Chronic Low Back Pain - Exploration of movement patterns using new analytic strategies

Prof.dr. M.F. Reneman, Dr. R. Dekker, Dr. H.R. Schiphorst Preuper, Dr. I. Stuive, MSc. J. Ansuategui Echeita, Dr. C.J.C. Lamoth, Faculteit Medische Wetenschappen/UMCG, Revalidatiegeneeskunde
Many people with chronic low back pain develop an adjustment to the nervous system, known as Central Sensitization, which means that they begin to move less and adjust their movement pattern. This research project is studying the link between physical movement patterns and Central Sensitization in patients with low back pain. Read more about Central Sensitization and Physical Activity in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain.

Automatic recognition of Frisian speakers - using computers to discriminate the Frisian accent and voice

Dr. M.B. Wieling, Dr. N.H. Hilton, Faculteit der Letteren, Computationele semantiek / Friese Taal en Letterkunde
This project is annotating the pronunciation of various words in different Frisian accents. Machine learning technology such as support vector machines will then be used to cluster the different Frisian accents. The result will be a map of the different Frisian accents in Friesland. Read more about Automatic Recognition of Frisian Speakers.

Automatic Processing of Eye Tracking Movies

Dr. J.C. van Rij-Tange, prof.dr. J. Järvikivi, University of Alberta, Department of Linguistics
With the aid of eye-tracking glasses that follow the pupil, researchers will look at how language develops in young children. The recordings made with the eye-tracking glasses will be manually annotated, but this can be speeded up by using image-recognition and language-recognition technology. Read more about Automatic Processing of Eye Tracking Movies.



    This tool enables you to enter search queries that allow you to download social media data. For instance tweets over a certain period or profile details. The tool annotates this data and processes it for further analysis. COSMO is available to all UG students and staff.

  • Connected Contests

    An evolving online research tool to facilitate the study of agonistic networks in the ancient, post-classical world. It is part of a wider research project on the history of athletic and other agonistic festivals from 300 BC-AD 300. More information

  • Digital Tombs

    A digital tool developed by the Geodienst for the study, presentation, and preservation of material and textual remains of funerary practices in the Hellenistic and Roman Near East. More information

Course material

We develop course material in the field of Machine Learning, Deep Neural Networks, programming in Python, and scraping and structuring data from the internet.

Last modified:04 October 2024 12.43 p.m.
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