Discover science in a visual story. In our storymaps we combine text with images to tell an interactive story about different topics.
![decorative image](/webvernieuwing/world/fse/sciencelinx/nieuws-en-verhalen/storymaps/images/2023-12-12chemicalcreatures-door-leoni-von-ristok.jpg)
Chemical Creatures Schepsels
In 2010, UG Professor of Systems Chemistry Sijbren Otto accidentally discovered molecules that copy themselves. Since then, he has been working on artificial life in the lab. We created a visual story "Chemische Schepsels" about the essence of life or a story about life as we don't know it. How does new life arise?
In 2010, UG Professor of Systems Chemistry Sijbren Otto accidentally discovered molecules that copy themselves. Since then, he has been working on artificial life in the lab. We created a visual story "Chemische Schepsels" about the essence of life or a story about life as we don't know it. How does new life arise?
![Decorative image](/webvernieuwing/world/fse/sciencelinx/nieuws-en-verhalen/storymaps/images/storymap-ai.png)
The robot in a doctor's coat
It seemed such a good idea that doctors would get AI support... We created a visual story about the possible dangers of giving AI too much power over our lives.
It seemed such a good idea that doctors would get AI support... We created a visual story about the possible dangers of giving AI too much power over our lives.
![decorative image](/webvernieuwing/world/fse/sciencelinx/nieuws-en-verhalen/storymaps/images/20240521-0-hydrogen-door-leoni-von-ristok.jpg)
We wrote an article series on hydrogen research at the Faculty of Science and Engineering of the University of Groningen. We are betting the bank on hydrogen as a green fuel source, because hydrogen is everywhere. But are we ready for it? Soon you can find the storymap about hydrogen here.
We wrote an article series on hydrogen research at the Faculty of Science and Engineering of the University of Groningen. We are betting the bank on hydrogen as a green fuel source, because hydrogen is everywhere. But are we ready for it? Soon you can find the storymap about hydrogen here.
Last modified: | 07 February 2025 11.02 a.m. |
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