Bètasteunpunt / PWS
The Bètasteunpunt of the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen helps you with your profile paper or practical assignment. We do this in a number of ways.
Subjects for your PWS
On our website you will find a number of suitable subjects for your profile paper. Below you will find an overview per school subject:
Informatica & KI
Technische Bedrijfskunde
You can use these topics for your profile paper and if you want, you can ask us questions about these topics. You can fill in our vragenformulier for this.
Everything about writing your PWS
You can also contact us with all kinds of questions about writing a profile paper. How do you approach your research? How do you draw up a work plan? How do you search for literature and which literature is reliable? The links below will give you some help in writing a PWS.
Onderwerp kiezen
Onderwerp afbakenen
Literatuur zoeken
Wat is goede literatuur?
Other questions?
You can also contact us if you have other questions about your PWS. A student will answer your question.
Last modified: | 07 February 2025 10.44 a.m. |