Recente Video's

Dr. Malcolm Campbell-Verduyn: 'Tech solutions don't solve complex ecological and social problems|Digging Sustainability Science|Video Series
How can we implement new tech solutions in sustainable governance? Petar Tsonev invited Dr. Malcolm Campbell-Verduyn to discuss his paper ‘Interrogating Technology-led Experiments in Sustainability Governance’.

What are the consequences of climate change on migratory birds? Dr. Maarten Loonen|Digging Sustainability Science|Video Series
What are the consequences of climate change on migratory birds? Dr. Maarten Loonen investigates this question in his paper 'Contrasting consequences of climate change for migratory geese: Predation, density dependence and carryover effects offset benefits of high‐arctic warming.'

Prof. Per Angelstam on the need for forest reserves to protect biodiversity in Sweden|Digging Sustainability Science|Video Series
'How many of Sweden's forests needs to be protected to prevent biodiversity loss?' asked the Swedish government to Prof. Per Angelstam in the 1990s. To answer that question, Angelstam wrote the article 'Estimates of the Needs for Forest Reserves in Sweden.' It had a tremendous impact.

Jeanette den Toonder - 'Narrating pain: The power of storytelling|Digging Sustainability Science|Video Series
dr. Jeannette den Toonder shares insights on the experiences of migrants, in an interview about her key paper 'Narrating pain: The power of storytelling in Maryam Madjidi’s Marx et la poupée.'

Digging Sustainability Science: dr. Marc Pauly on referenda|Digging Sustainability Science|Video Series
How do you ensure that referendums function effectively? How do you prevent people from not voting during a referendum for strategic reasons? Because some individuals hope that the required minimum number of votes will not be reached, rendering the referendum invalid!
Opening Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development 21 June 2023
Wildlife Trafficking Panel - an Illicit Trade event
dr. Lukas Linsi: 'The politics of illicit trade statistics.' - Illicit Trade webinar
Agricola's Intro. The ' Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development' in pictures (made for the opening of the Rudolf Agricola School op June 21 2023)
dr Chengyong Xiao: Public and buyer-driven governance for supplier sustainability development
- Ratna Juwita: Corruption as violation of Human Rights in practices of int. human rights institutions.
- Dr. Nicolle Zeegers: The effectiveness of prostitution policy in preventing Human Trafficking.
- TriWadWalk 2022: Playlist, 11 Titels
- Prof. dr. Michel Dückers. Prof. dr. Michel Dückers: Masterclass Groninger aardbevingen. De gezondheidsimpact van de gaswinningsproblematiek - Wat we kunnen leren van Groningen en omgekeerd.
- dr. Ugljesa Zvekić and dr. Laura Adal: The 2021 report on The Global Organized Crime Index - Taking the measure of crime- ITG Webinar
TriWadWalk Online Lecture Series
Welcome to the TriWadWalk Lecture Series! Our programme of lectures highlights a selection of key issues pertaining to nature conservation and socio-ecological transformation at the Wadden Sea. The lectures provide insights into current social science based on Wadden Sea research and will hopefully serve as inspiration for critical and creative thinking about society-environment relations at the Wadden Sea.
Dr. Nick Emlen: The effects of cocaine production and trafficking on the Indigenous people of Peru
In the Peruvian Andes about 1,000 kilos of cocaine are produced every day, a third of the total world production. With good intentions, the government once opened up the tropical rainforests with roads, but the result was that drug gangs took control of the areas.
The indigenous population suddenly found themselves confronted by powerful drug cartels. What does this mean for them? How do they deal with these dangerous cartels? Dr. Nick Emlen (UG) has been doing his dangerous research here for years and in this webinar he tells us about his findings. (Illicit Trade Webinar 9 June 2022)
Webinar Democracy and Governance: six experts on Sanctions on Russia
May 9, 2022. What are the main impacts that sanctions are having? What are the costs that the international community is asked to bear? And what is the effectiveness of sanctions? Participating UG experts on sanctions: prof. dr. Ramses Wessel, Dr. Viktor Szep, Prof. Dr. Dirk Bezemer, Dr. Tristan Kohl, Mr. Heleen over de Linden, Dr. Francesco Giumelli. Moderated by Dr. Willem Geelhoed.
Prof. Kees Boersma: 'Innovations in crisis and disaster studies – a resilience perspective
Together with our research theme Disaster Resilience we organized a webinar on Thursday 28 April 2022 entitled: 'Innovations in crisis and disaster studies – a resilience perspective'.
Prof. Kees Boersma informed us on (new) developments to improve crisis management and governance.
Viktor Szép:International sanctions against Russia. Lunch webinar Illicit Trade . 7 April 2022
Recent Russian actions have prompted a remarkable coordination between the European Union and the United States. The presentation hopes to contribute to the ongoing discussions on sanctions and to a better understanding of the potentials and limits of sanctions.
Prof Dirk Pieter van Donk: Supply chain resilience & the role of teams in dealing with disruption
On Thursday 31 March 2022 prof. Dirk Pieter van Donk talked about supply chain management and resilience on small and recurring disruptions.
Masterclasses Groninger Aardbevingen:
Introduction on our series Masterclasses Groninger Aardbevingen: Teaser Masterclasses Groninger Aardbevingen.
Dr. Melanie Bakema – De effecten van bestuurssystemen op weerbaarheid en herstelprocessen van rampen
Prof. dr. Christian Zuidema - Energietransitie in Groningen: probleem of kans?
Prof. Prof. dr. Frank Vanclay - Social impacts of extractive industries.
Prof M.A. Rien Herber - Over de oorsprong en de geologische samenstelling van het Groningen gasveld
Prof. dr. Harry Garretsen - Gaswinning en Aardbevingen: De Impact op de Groningse Huizenprijzen
Prof. mr. dr. Herman Bröring - de juridische kant van de mijnbouwschadeproblematiek
Webinar Dr. Clara Egger: The political dimensions of disasters and disaster management policies
Dr Flávio Eiró. Illicit Trade Research webinar: ‘Not so legal.’ Politics of poverty in Brazil.'
Pitches candidates PhD Grants 2021:
Selen Eren presentation during de 2021 Sustainable Society Grants ceremony
Kanella Mari Marosi presentation during the 2021 Sustainable Society Grants ceremony
Manuela Fritz presentation during de 2021 Sustainable Society Grants ceremony
Jingyu Li presentation during de 2021 Sustainable Society Grants ceremony
Anna Rosja Haveman presentation during de 2021 Sustainable Society Grants ceremony
Pitch Jean-Yves Duriaux during de 2021 Sustainable Society Grants ceremony
Pitch Tjeerd Rudmer de Vries during de 2021 Sustainable Society Grants ceremony
- An introduction to the artic Centre Winter School 2023: Our connection with a fast-changing Arctic
- Webinar Prof. dr. Michel Dückers: What we know about disaster mental health and the COVID-19 pandemic
- Webinar Dr. Steven Van Bockstael 'Illicit Trade Lunch webinar. Mercury and Informal Gold Mining in Africa.'
- Webinar Lunch Webinar Sustainable Society: A year in review: What lessons to draw from 2021?
- Webinar George Azzopardi: detection of illicit accounts. Webinar Sustainable Society 16 december 2021
- An Impression: RUG Sustainable Society Symposium 2021
- SuSo Webinar: 'Disentangling illicit trade in research data'
- SuSo Webinar: Modern slavery in global supply chains - The case of Thai seafood
- SuSo Lunch Webinar: 'The psychosocial impact of a creeping disaster: the Groningen gas extraction'
- SuSo Lunch Webinar: The potential of comparative research for building sustainable landscapes
SuSo Lunch Webinar: 'Europe's external threats and challenges, part ll: China'
- SuSo Lunch Webinar: Participatory processes in landscape transformations
- SuSo Webinar: Global drivers and enablers of illicit economies
- SuSo Lunch Webinar: 'Natuurinclusieve landbouw - meer dan boer alleen'
- SuSo Lunch Webinar: 'Evaluaties lerend vermogen overheid'
- SuSo PhD Grant Winner 2019: Elizabeth Mudzimu
- SuSo Lunch Webinar: 'De betekenis van het Noordzeeakkoord'
Laatst gewijzigd: | 15 januari 2025 09:14 |