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Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development
Bringing sustainability science forward
Rudolf Agricola School Nieuws & Evenementen

SUMMERSCHOOL: Migration Matters - Understanding and intervening the societal phenomenon of migration

Wanneer:zo 03-07-2016
Waar:University of Groningen

3-8 July 2016
Application deadline: 1 April 2016
Advanced bachelor, (research) master
Nina Hansen
Students: 100 (excluding housing), 350 (including housing
Third parties: 650 (excluding housing), 900 (including housing)

The summer school offers new and multidisciplinary insights in the complex phenomenon of migration as well as training in innovative methods to study migration, such as participatory action research, spatial approaches and gaming. Guest speakers from both academia and practice will share their knowledge and experience with the students. Participants will explore and address various ways of knowledge valorization.

The learning objectives of this summer school are to:

  • Consider different methods to study, understand and explain different aspects of and phases in the migration process;
  • Let students reflect on their intrinsic motivation of choice and action in relation to migration;
  • Develop a theory-driven intervention for one particular stage in the migration process (see below);
  • Set up a monitoring and evaluation plan;
  • Formulate recommendations to relevant stakeholders and present this.

Five stages of migration will be central during the summer school:
1) Regional conflict and aid in neighbouring countries;
2) Migrants on route;
3) Aid and shelter in EU countries;
4) Registration in the host country;
5) Integration in the host country.

Students will first gain a general overview of each phase and then choose a phase to further specialize in during the week. For this particular phase, students work in groups towards an intervention design based on a thorough analysis.

This summer school will improve skills and insights that will help shape and sharpen future professionals preparing them for addressing societal challenges at large.

More information, visit the website of the summerschools.

Sustainable Society
Partners Faculties involved
Behavioral and Social Sciences
Spatial Sciences
Theology and Religious Studies
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