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Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development
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ITG Webinar dr. Chengyong Xiao: Supplier sustainability development in emerging countries

When:Fr 21-04-2023 12:00 - 13:00
Where:Online. Sign up and recieve the link in your Email:
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Growing evidences show that governmental and regulatory agencies in emerging countries play an increasingly active role in enforcing labor and environmental protection laws.

Against this backdrop, we conducted a longitudinal case study of nine Chinese suppliers of COSMOS in the consumer electronics industry, to explore how growing public governance interacts with buyer-driven governance in shaping supplier sustainability capability development in emerging countries.

We identified four different mechanisms through which public governance and buyer-driven governance jointly influence the supplier’s willingness and ability to transition from first-order to second-order sustainability learning. These four mechanisms are of substantially different nature, ranging from complementary, synergistic, substitutive, to even overshadowing.

As such, our findings provide a nuanced picture on the interactions between public governance and buyer-driven governance for supplier sustainability development in emerging countries. Moreover, our findings provide in-depth insights into the trajectories through which suppliers can improve sustainability performance in institutional environments characterized by different configurations of public and buyer-driven governance.

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