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Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development
Bringing sustainability science forward
Rudolf Agricola School Nieuws & Evenementen

NEW: Democracy & Governance start-up meeting

Wanneer:di 10-04-2018 12:00 - 14:00
Waar:Café de Sleutel, Noorderhaven 72, Groningen

The Sustainable Society Steering committee of Deans has agreed to establish a new research network on “Democracy & Governance” (D&G). With this interdisciplinary network we like to involve colleagues and external parties from multiple different (research) backgrounds. Researches from all faculties can participate in the D&G platform.

On April 10, we organise a start-up meeting, by bringing together all UG people and external (societal) partners who are interested in being part of the D&G group. During an ‘expertlunch’, we explain the background, vision and mission of our new network group and we invite everyone who is interested in being involved in the D&G platform.


11.45 Walk-in with coffee/tea

12.00 Opening and introduction of D&G by Sharon Smit, Director Sustainable Society, University of Groningen

Short presentation Jacques Wallage - Guest professor “Transitions in the public administration”, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of PostNL, co-chairman of the Consultative Body Infrastructure and Environment. Previous: Mr Wallage was formerly a member of the Dutch Second Chamber of Parliament and served as a state secretary for the Ministry of Education and Sciences and as a state secretary for the Ministry of Social Affairs. He was mayor of the city of Groningen from 1998 until 2009.

Short presentation Liesbeth van de Wetering - Civil servant City of Groningen, initiator of the ‘coöperatieve wijkraad’: An experiment in local democracy and governance.

14.00 End of lunch

Between the talks, we have a walking lunch and enough time to network.

Like to participate on April 10, and get inspired by other UG colleagues around the topic of “Democracy and Governance”?

Please let us know if you are coming by sending an email to sustainablesociety And feel free to invite other colleagues who also might be interested in getting involved in the D&G group.
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