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Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development
Bringing sustainability science forward
Rudolf Agricola School Community

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Being a Rudolf Agricola School Fellow

The Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development works with a fellowship system. Rudolf Agricola is a large cross-faculty network of scholars actively working on themes linked to sustainable development (including but not limited to the Sustainable Development Goals). We are a thriving community of over 200 fellows that actively engage in Rudolf Agricola School’s endeavors. 

Fellows have access to several opportunities and resources that the School can offer to foster collaboration, innovation, and advancement, while we aim to give as much internal and external visibility as possible to the work of our active fellow members. 

What is a Rudolf Agricola Fellow?

An Agricola fellow is a University of Groningen researcher or teacher who is motivated to engage in interdisciplinary sustainability research or education. A fellow relates and wants to contribute to the mission statement of a Rudolf Agricola Research Theme and to the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research of the Rudolf Agricola School in general. A fellow of a theme is automatically a fellow of the Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development and is supportive of the development of the School’s activities.

What are the benefits of being a Fellow?

  • A fellow will be listed on the Rudolf Agricola website and can use this affiliation in professional communications. 

  • A fellow has priority access to the various funding mechanisms that the Rudolf Agricola School provides for multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary research and educational activities (e.g. grants). 

  • A fellow can – in general via the theme directors - ask to make use of other support options offered by Rudolf Agricola, for example consortium building support, event organization, research project development, finding funding opportunities or impact journalism support. 

What is requested from a fellow?

There are a few minimum demands for being a fellow:

  • Joining at least one theme meeting per year

  • Being involved in or developing multi- and transdisciplinary research proposals of the research theme(s) (usually in one of the research groups) and/or contributing to the educational activities of the research theme(s) (e.g. organizing a guest lecture, being active in a summer school or minor, creating workshops).

  • Being open to share the latest research which is relevant for the research theme(s) via the Agricola website or social media

  • Actively searching for engagement of societal organizations in co-creating activities

  • Being keen on developing and strengthening the national and international research theme network(s) further

I live abroad, can I be an International Fellow?

The Rudolf Agricola School also has a limited number of International fellows. They generally visit Rudolf Agricola at least once a year and are catalysts for new proposals and international activities of the research groups.

I am a PhD student, can I also join?

PhD students can also join as a fellow. Most of the aspects of being a fellow are similar to the above, some might be different (e.g., joining RAS educational events as a student rather than a mentor). As a PhD fellow, you can also take part in our interdisciplinary PhD community. You can indicate this in the registration form below.

To become a Rudolf Agricola fellow, please use the google form below. Your name and photograph will – in due course – also be shown on Rudolf Agricola’s website on the fellows page. In the form you can indicate which theme(s) you would like to become a fellow of (you can pick more than 1). You will then be contacted by us for confirmation.

Welcome to our community! Looking forward to meeting you at one of our events!

Last modified:04 March 2024 12.08 p.m.