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Research Zernike (ZIAM) Surfaces and Thin Films Stöhr Group



Mohammad, S., Bisht, N., Kannan, A., Brandmeier, A., Neiss, C., Görling, A., Stöhr, M., & Maier, S. (2025). Pyridyl-functionalized tripod molecules on Au(111): Interplay between H-bonding and metal coordination. Surface Science, 755, Article 122701.


de la Rie, J., Wang, Q., Enache, M., Kivala, M., & Stöhr, M. (2024). Comparing Adsorption of an Electron-Rich Triphenylene Derivative: Metallic vs Graphitic Surfaces. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 128(26), 11014–11023.
Houtsma, R. S. K., van Nyendaal, F., & Stöhr, M. (2024). Kinetic control over the chiral-selectivity in the formation of organometallic polymers on a Ag(110) surface. Communications chemistry, 7(1), Article 51.


Houtsma, R. S. K., van Zuilen, J., & Stöhr, M. (2024). On-Surface Ullmann-Type Coupling: Reaction Intermediates and Organometallic Polymer Growth. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 11(4), Article 2300728.
Houtsma, K., & Stöhr, M. (2023). Molecular Networks and Surface Engineering for Single Molecule Studies: From Spatial Separation to Emergent Properties. In F. Moresco, & C. Joachim (Eds.), Single Molecule Mechanics on a Surface: Gears, Motors and Nanocars (pp. 177-197). (Advances in Atom and Single Molecule Machines). Springer.


Ahsan, A., Buimaga-Iarinca, L., Nijs, T., Nowakowska, S., Sk, R., Mousavi, S. F., Heydari, M., Stöhr, M., Zaman, S., Morari, C., Gade, L. H., & Jung, T. A. (2022). Induced Fit and Mobility of Cycloalkanes within Nanometer-Sized Confinements at 5 K. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 13, 7504-7513.
Houtsma, K., Enache, M., Havenith, R., & Stöhr, M. (2022). Length-dependent symmetry in narrow chevronlike graphene nanoribbons. Nanoscale advances, 4, 3531-3536.
De La Rie, J., Enache, M., Wang, Q., Lu, W., Kivala, M., & Stöhr, M. (2022). Self-Assembly of a Triphenylene-Based Electron Donor Molecule on Graphene: Structural and Electronic Properties. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126(23), 9855–9861.


Houtsma, K., de la Rie, J., & Stöhr, M. (2021). Atomically precise graphene nanoribbons: interplay of structural and electronic properties. Chemical Society Reviews, 50(11), 6541–6568 .
Babamahdi, Z., Svetovoy, V. B., Yimam, D. T., Kooi, B. J., Banerjee, T., Moon, J., Oh, S., Enache, M., Stöhr, M., & Palasantzas, G. (2021). Casimir and electrostatic forces from Bi2Se3 thin films of varying thickness. Physical Review B, 103(16), Article L161102.
Baker, B., Schmidt, N., Enache, M., & Stöhr, M. (2021). Comparing Cyanophenyl and Pyridyl Ligands in the Formation of Porphyrin-Based Metal−Organic Coordination Networks. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces, 125(44), 24557-24567.
Maier, S., & Stöhr, M. (2021). Molecular assemblies on surfaces: Towards physical and electronic decoupling of organic molecules. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 12, 950–956.
Heideman, G. H., Berrocal, J. A., Stöhr, M., Meijer, E. W., & Feringa, B. L. (2021). Stepwise Adsorption of Alkoxy-Pyrene Derivatives onto a Lamellar, Non-Porous Naphthalenediimide-Template on HOPG. Chemistry - A European Journal, 27(1), 207-211.
Baker, B., Enache, M., Küster, K., Studener, F., Lee, T.-L., Marets, N., Bulach, V., Hosseini, M. W., & Stöhr, M. (2021). Structural Transformation of Surface-Confined Porphyrin Networks by Addition of Co Atoms. Chemistry - A European Journal, 27(48), 12430-12436.
Watson, A. J., Lu, W., Guimarães, M. H. D., & Stöhr, M. (2021). Transfer of Large-Scale Two-Dimensional Semiconductors: Challenges and Developments. 2D Materials, 8(3), Article 032001.
Moreno Lopez, J. C., Perez Paz, A., Gottardi, S., Solianyk, L., Li, J., Monjas Gómez, L., Hirsch, A., Mowbray, D. J., & Stöhr, M. (2021). Unveiling Adatoms in On-Surface Reactions: Combining Scanning Probe Microscopy with van’t Hoff Plots. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125(18), 9847–9854.


Berrocal, J. A., Heideman, G. H., de Waal, B. F. M., Enache, M., Havenith, R. W. A., Stöhr, M., Meijer, E. W., & Feringa, B. L. (2020). Engineering Long-Range Order in Supramolecular Assemblies on Surfaces: The Paramount Role of Internal Double Bonds in Discrete Long-Chain Naphthalenediimides. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142(8), 4070-4078.
Qiu, X., Ivasyshyn, V., Qiu, L., Enache, M., Dong, J., Rousseva, S., Portale, G., Stöhr, M., Hummelen, J. C., & Chiechi, R. C. (2020). Thiol-free self-assembled oligoethylene glycols enable robust air-stable molecular electronics. Nature Materials, 19, 330-337.


Schmidt, N., Li, J., Gottardi, S., Moreno-Lopez, J. C., Enache, M., Monjas, L., van der Vlag, R., Havenith, R. W. A., Hirsch, A. K. H., & Stohr, M. (2019). Comparing the Self-Assembly of Sexiphenyl-Dicarbonitrile on Graphite and Graphene on Cu(111). Chemistry, 25(19), 5065-5070.
Babamahdi, Z., Svetovoy, V. B., Enache, M., Stöhr, M., & Palasantzas, G. (2019). Comparison of Casimir forces and electrostatics from conductive SiC-Si/C and Ru surfaces. Physical Review. B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 100(24), Article 245422 .
Schmidt, N., Enache, M., Maggini, L., Havenith, R. W. A., Bonifazi, D., & Stohr, M. (2019). Coverage-Controlled Polymorphism of H-Bonded Networks on Au(111). Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123(12), 7151-7157.
Baker, B., Schmidt, N., Enache, M., & Stöhr, M. (2019). Coverage-Dependent Structural Transformation of Cyano-Functionalized Porphyrin Networks on Au(111) via Addition of Cobalt Atoms. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123(32), 19681-19687.
Cojal Gonzalez, J. D., Li, J., Stöhr, M., Kivala, M., Palma, C.-A., & Rabe, J. P. (2019). Edge Phonon Excitations in a Chiral Self-Assembled Supramolecular Nanoribbon. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 10(19), 5830-5835.
Piquero-Zulaica, I., Abd El-Fattah, Z. M., Popova, O., Kawai, S., Nowakowska, S., Matena, M., Enache, M., Stöhr, M., Tejeda, A., Taleb, A., Meyer, E., Ortega, J. E., Gade, L. H., Jung, T. A., & Lobo-Checa, J. (2019). Effective determination of surface potential landscapes from metal-organic nanoporous network overlayers. New Journal of Physics, 21, Article 053004.
Li, J., Solianyk, L., Schmidt, N., Baker, B., Gottardi, S., Moreno Lopez, J. C., Enache, M., Monjas Gómez, L., van der Vlag, R., Havenith, R., Hirsch, A., & Stöhr, M. (2019). Low-Dimensional Metal−Organic Coordination Structures on Graphene. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123(20), 12730-12735.
Piquero-Zulaica, I., Li, J., Abd El-Fattah, Z. M., Solianyk, L., Gallardo, I., Monjas, L., Hirsch, A. K. H., Arnau, A., Ortega, J. E., Stohr, M., & Lobo-Checa, J. (2019). Surface state tunable energy and mass renormalization from homothetic quantum dot arrays. Nanoscale, 11(48), 23132-23138.
Müller, K., Schmidt, N., Link, S., Riedel, R., Bock, J., Malone, W., Lasri, K., Kara, A., Starke, U., Kivala, M., & Stöhr, M. (2019). Triphenylene-Derived Electron Acceptors and Donors on Ag(111): Formation of Intermolecular Charge-Transfer Complexes with Common Unoccupied Molecular States. Small, 15(33), Article 1901741.


Ubink, J., Enache, M., & Stöhr, M. (2018). Bias-induced conformational switching of supramolecular networks of trimesic acid at the solid-liquid interface. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 148(17), Article 174703.
Schmidt, N., & Stöhr, M. (2018). Molecular Self-Assembly on Graphene: The Role of the Substrate. In K. Wandelt (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry: Surface Science and Electrochemistry (pp. 110-119). Elsevier.
Baker, B., & Stöhr, M. (2018). Role of Cyano Groups in the Self-Assembly of Organic Molecules on Metal Surfaces. In K. Wandelt (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry: Surface Science and Electrochemistry (pp. 153-165). Elsevier.


Nowakowska, S., Mazzola, F., Alberti, M. N., Song, F., Voigt, T., Nowakowski, J., Wäckerlin, A., Wäckerlin, C., Wiss, J., Schweizer, W. B., Broszio, M., Polley, C., Leandersson, M., Fatayer, S., Ivas, T., Baljozovic, M., Mousavi, S. F., Ahsan, A., Nijs, T., ... Jung, T. A. (2017). Adsorbate-Induced Modification of the Confining Barriers in a Quantum Box Array. Acs Nano, 12(1), 768-778.
Pham, T. A., Tran, V. B., Nguyen, M.-T., & Stöhr, M. (2017). Chiral-Selective Formation of 1D Polymers Based on Ullmann-Type Coupling: The Role of the Metallic Substrate. Small, 13(13), Article 1603675.
Sun, Q., Tran, B. V., Cai, L., Ma, H., Yu, X., Yuan, C., Stöhr, M., & Xu, W. (2017). On-Surface Formation of Cumulene by Dehalogenative Homocoupling of Alkenyl gem-Dibromides. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 56(40), 12165-12169.
Tran, B. V., Pham, T. A., Grunst, M., Kivala, M., & Stöhr, M. (2017). Surface-confined [2 + 2] cycloaddition towards one-dimensional polymers featuring cyclobutadiene units. Nanoscale, 9, 18305-18310.
Piquero-Zulaica, I., Nowakowska, S., Ortega, J. E., Stöhr, M., Gade, L. H., Jung, T. A., & Lobo-Checa, J. (2017). Temperature dependence of the partially localized state in a 2D molecular nanoporous network. Applied Surface Science, 391(Part A SI), 39-43.


Li, J., Gottardi, S., Solianyk, L., Moreno Lopez, J. C., & Stöhr, M. (2016). 1,3,5-Benzenetribenzoic Acid on Cu(111) and Graphene/Cu(111): A Comparative STM Study. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120(32), 18093-18098.
Pham, T. A., Song, F., Nguyen, M.-T., Li, Z., Studener, F., & Stöhr, M. (2016). Comparing Ullmann Coupling on Noble Metal Surfaces: On-Surface Polymerization of 1,3,6,8-Tetrabromopyrene on Cu(111) and Au(111). Chemistry : a European Journal, 22, 5937-5944.
Nowakowska, S., Wäckerlin, A., Piquero-Zulaica, I., Nowakowski, J., Kawai, S., Wäckerlin, C., Matena, M., Nijs, T., Fatayer, S., Popova, O., Ahsan, A., Mousavi, S. F., Ivas, T., Meyer, E., Stöhr, M., Ortega, J. E., Björk, J., Gade, L. H., Lobo-Checa, J., & Jung, T. A. (2016). Configuring Electronic States in an Atomically Precise Array of Quantum Boxes. Small, 12(28), 3757-3763.
Müller, K., Enache, M., & Stöhr, M. (2016). Confinement properties of 2D porous molecular networks on metal surfaces. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 28(15), Article 153003.
Müller, K., Moreno-Lopez, J. C., Gottardi, S., Meinhardt, U., Yildirim, H., Kara, A., Kivala, M., & Stöhr, M. (2016). Cyano-Functionalized Triarylamines on Coinage Metal Surfaces: Interplay of Intermolecular and Molecule–Substrate Interactions. Chemistry : a European Journal, 22(2), 581-589.
Pham, T. A., & Stöhr, M. (2016). Metal-Organic Frameworks on Surfaces: Heat-Induced Formation of 1D Molecular Coordination Networks. Imaging & Microscopy.


Gottardi, S., Müller, K., Bignardi, L., Moreno Lopez, J. C., Pham, T., Ivashenko, O., Yablonskikh, M., Barinov, A., Björk, J., Rudolf, P., & Stöhr, M. (2015). Comparing graphene growth on Cu(111) versus oxidized Cu(111). In ELETTRA HIGHLIGHTS 2014| 2015 (pp. 64-65). Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste.
Gottardi, S., Müller, K., Bignardi, L., Moreno Lopez, J. C., Pham, T. A., Ivashenko, O., Yablonskikh, M., Barinov, A., Björk, J., Rudolf, P., & Stöhr, M. (2015). Comparing Graphene Growth on Cu(111) versus Oxidized Cu(111). Nano Letters, 15, 917-922.
Studener, F., Müller, K., Marets, N., Bulach, V., Hosseini, M. W., & Stöhr, M. (2015). From hydrogen bonding to metal coordination and back: Porphyrin-based networks on Ag(111). The Journal of Chemical Physics, 142(10), Article 1019261.
Pham, T., Song, F., Alberti, M. N., Nguyen, M.-T., Trapp, N., Thilgen, C., Diederich, F., & Stöhr, M. (2015). Heat-induced formation of one-dimensional coordination polymers on Au(111): an STM study. Chemical Communications, 51, 14473.
Nowakowska, S., Wäckerlin, A., Kawai, S., Ivas, T., Nowakowski, J., Fatayer, S., Wäckerlin, C., Nijs, T., Meyer, E., Björk, J., Stöhr, M., Gade, L. H., & Jung, T. A. (2015). Interplay of weak interactions in the atom-by-atom condensation of xenon within quantum boxes. Nature Communications, 6, Article 6071 (2015).


Shchyrba, A., Wäckerlin, C., Nowakowski, J., Nowakowska, S., Björk, J., Fatayer, S., Girovsky, J., Nijs, T., Martens, S. C., Kleibert, A., Stöhr, M., Ballav, N., Jung, T. A., & Gade, L. H. (2014). Controlling the dimensionality of on-surface coordination polymers via endo- or exoligation. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 136, 9355-9363.
Shchyrba, A., Martens, S., Wäckerlin, C., Matena, M., Ivas, T., Wadepohl, H., Stöhr, M., Jung, T. A., & Gade, L. H. (2014). Covalent assembly of a two-dimensional molecular ‘‘sponge’’ on a Cu(111) surface: Confined electronic surface states in open and closed pores. Chemical Communications, 50, 7628-7631.
Enache, M., Maggini, L., Llanes-Pallas, A., Jung, T. A., Bonifazi, D., & Stöhr, M. (2014). Coverage-dependent disorder-to-order phase transformation of a uracil derivative on Ag(111). Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118, 15286-15291.
Matena, M., Björk, J., Wahl, M., Lee, T.-L., Zegenhagen, J., Gade, L. H., Jung, T. A., Persson, M., & Stöhr, M. (2014). On-surface synthesis of a two-dimensional porous coordination network: Unraveling adsorbate interactions. Physical Review. B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 90, Article 125408.
Pham, T. A., Song, F., Nguyen, M.-T., & Stöhr, M. (2014). Self-assembly of pyrene derivatives on Au(111): Substituent effects on intermolecular interactions. Chemical Communications, 50(91), 14089-14092.
Pham, T. A., Song, F., & Stöhr, M. (2014). Supramolecular self-assembly of metal- free naphthalocyanine on Au(111). PCCP : Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16(19), 8881-8885.
Pierno, M., Bignardi, L., Righi, M. C., Bruschi, L., Gottardi, S., Stöhr, M., Ivashenko, O., Silvestrelli, P., Rudolf, P., & Mistura, G. (2014). Thermolubricity of gas monolayers on graphene. Nanoscale, 6(14), 8062-8067.


Gottardi, S., Müller, K., Moreno Lopez, J. C., Yildirim, H., Meinhardt, U., Kivala, M., Kara, A., & Stöhr, M. (2014). Cyano-Functionalized Triarylamines on Au(111): Competing Intermolecular versus Molecule/Substrate Interactions. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 1(1), 1-10.
Shchyrba, A., Manh-Thuong Nguyen, N. V., Waeckerlin, C., Martens, S., Nowakowska, S., Ivas, T., Roose, J., Nijs, T., Boz, S., Schaer, M., Stöhr, M., Pignedoli, C. A., Thilgen, C., Diederich, F., Passerone, D., & Jung, T. A. (2013). Chirality Transfer in 1D Self-Assemblies: Influence of H-Bonding vs Metal Coordination between Dicyano[7]helicene Enantiomers. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 135(41), 15270-15273.
Bignardi, L., Dorp, W. F. V., Gottardi, S., Ivashenko, O., Dudin, P., Barinov, A., de Hosson, J. T. M., Stöhr, M., & Rudolf, P. (2013). Microscopic characterisation of suspended graphene grown by chemical vapour deposition. Nanoscale, 5(19), 9057-9061.


Iacovita, C., Fesser, P., Vijayaraghavan, S., Enache, M., Stöhr, M., Diederich, F., & Jung, T. A. (2012). Controlling the Dimensionality and Structure of Supramolecular Porphyrin Assemblies by their Functional Substituents: Dimers, Chains, and Close-Packed 2D Assemblies. Chemistry, 18(46), 14610-14613.
Stöhr, M. (2012). Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). In P. A. Gale, & J. W. Steed (Eds.), Supramolecular chemistry: From molecules to nanomaterials (Vol. Volume 2: Techniques, pp. 647-658). Wiley.


Stöhr, M., Boz, S., Schaer, M., Manh-Thuong Nguyen, N. V., Pignedoli, C. A., Passerone, D., Schweizer, W. B., Thilgen, C., Jung, T. A., & Diederich, F. (2011). Self-Assembly and Two-Dimensional Spontaneous Resolution of Cyano-Functionalized [7]Helicenes on Cu(111). Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 50(42), 9982-9986.
Fesser, P., Iacovita, C., Waeckerlin, C., Vijayaraghavan, S., Ballav, N., Howes, K., Gisselbrecht, J.-P., Crobu, M., Boudon, C., Stöhr, M., Jung, T. A., & Diederich, F. (2011). Visualizing the Product of a Formal Cycloaddition of 7,7,8,8-Tetracyano-p-quinodimethane (TCNQ) to an Acetylene-Appended Porphyrin by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy on Au(111). Chemistry, 17(19), 5246-5250.


Matena, M., Stöhr, M., Riehm, T., Björk, J., Martens, S., Dyer, MS., Persson, M., Lobo-Checa, J., Müller, K., Enache, M., Wadepohl, H., Zegenhagen, J., Jung, TA., & Gade, LH. (2010). Aggregation and Contingent Metal/Surface Reactivity of 1,3,8,10-Tetraazaperopyrene (TAPP) on Cu(111). Chemistry, 16(7), 2079-2091.
Björk, J., Matena, M., Dyer, M. S., Enache, M., Lobo-Checa, J., Gade, L. H., Jung, T. A., Stöhr, M., & Persson, M. (2010). STM fingerprint of molecule–adatom interactions in a self-assembled metal–organic surface coordination network on Cu(111). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 12(31), 8815-8821.


Lobo-Checa, J., Matena, M., Müller, K., Dil, J. H., Meier, F., Gade, L. H., Jung, T. A., & Stöhr, M. (2009). Band Formation from Coupled Quantum Dots Formed by a Nanoporous Network on a Copper Surface. Science, 325(5938), 300-303.
Matena, M., Llanes-Pallas, A., Enache, M., Jung, T., Wouters, J., Champagne, B., Stoehr, M., & Bonifazi, D. (2009). Conformation-controlled networking of H-bonded assemblies on surfaces. Chemical Communications, (24), 3525-3527.
Fendt, L.-A., Stöhr, M., Wintjes, N., Enache, M., Jung, T. A., & Diederich, F. (2009). Modification of Supramolecular Binding Motifs Induced By Substrate Registry: Formation of Self-Assembled Macrocycles and Chain-Like Patterns. Chemistry, 15(42), 11139-11150.
Boz, S., Stoehr, M., Soydaner, U., & Mayor, M. (2009). Protecting-Group-Controlled Surface Chemistry - Organization and Heat-Induced Coupling of 4,4 '-Di(tert-butoxycarbonylamino)biphenyl on Metal Surfaces. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 48(17), 3179-3183.
Samuely, T., Liu, S.-X., Haas, M., Decurtins, S., Jung, T. A., & Stoehr, M. (2009). Self-Assembly of Individually Addressable Complexes of C-60 and Phthalocyanines on a Metal Surface: Structural and Electronic Investigations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces, 113(45), 19373-19375.


Wintjes, N., Hornung, J., Lobo-Checa, J., Voigt, T., Samuely, T., Thilgen, C., Stöhr, M., Diederich, F., & Jung, T. A. (2008). Supramolecular synthons on surfaces: Controlling dimensionality and periodicity of tetraarylporphyrin assemblies by the interplay of cyano and alkoxy substituents. Chemistry, 14(19), 5794-5802.
Matena, M., Riehm, T., Stoehr, M., Jung, T. A., & Gade, L. H. (2008). Transforming surface coordination polymers into covalent surface polymers: Linked polycondensed aromatics through oligomerization of N-heterocyclic carbene intermediates. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 47(13), 2414-2417.
Llanes-Pallas, A., Matena, M., Jung, T., Prato, M., Stoehr, M., & Bonifazi, D. (2008). Trimodular engineering of linear supramolecular miniatures on Ag(111) surfaces controlled by complementary triple hydrogen bonds. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 47(40), 7726-7730.
Samuely, T., Liu, S.-X., Wintjes, N., Haas, M., Decurtins, S., Jung, T. A., & Stoehr, M. (2008). Two-dimensional multiphase behavior induced by sterically hindered conformational optimization of phenoxy-substituted phthalocyanines. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces, 112(15), 6139-6144.


Wintjes, N., Bonifazi, D., Cheng, F., Kiebele, A., Stöhr, M., Jung, T., Spillmann, H., & Diederich, F. (2007). A supramolecular multiposition rotary device. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 46(22), 4089-4092.
Stöhr, M., Wahl, M., Spillmann, H., Gade, L. H., & Jung, T. A. (2007). Lateral manipulation for the positioning of molecular guests within the confinements of a highly stable self-assembled organic surface network. Small, 3(8), 1336-1340.
Wahl, M., Stoehr, M., Spillmann, H., Jung, T. A., & Gade, L. H. (2007). Rotation-libration in a hierarchic supramolecular rotor-stator system: Arrhenius activation and retardation by local interaction. Chemical Communications, (13), 1349-1351.
Guillot-Nieckowski, M., Joester, D., Stöhr, M., Losson, M., Adrian, M., Wagner, B., Kansy, M., Heinzelmann, H., Pugin, R., Diederich, F., & Gallani, J.-L. (2007). Self-assembly, DNA complexation, and pH response of amphiphilic dendrimers for gene transfection. Langmuir, 23(2), 737-746.
Bonifazi, D., Kiebele, A., Stöhr, M., Cheng, F., Jung, T., Diederich, F., & Spillmann, H. (2007). Supramolecular nanostructuring of silver surfaces via self-assembly of [60]fullerene and porphyrin modules. Advanced Functional Materials, 17(7), 1051-1062.


Kiebele, A., Bonifazi, D., Cheng, F., Stoehr, M., Diederich, F., Jung, T., & Spillmann, H. (2006). Adsorption and dynamics of long-range interacting fullerenes in a flexible, two-dimensional, nanoporous porphyrin network. Chemphyschem, 7(7), 1462-1470.
Spillmann, H., Kiebele, A., Stöhr, M., Jung, T. A., Bonifazi, D., Cheng, F., & Diederich, F. (2006). A two-dimensional porphyrin-based porous network featuring communicating cavities for the templated complexation of fullerenes. Advanced materials, 18(3), 275-279.
Fendrich, M., Wagner, T., Stöhr, M., & Möller, R. (2006). Hindered rotation of a copper phthalocyanine molecule on C60: Experiments and molecular mechanics calculations. Physical Review B, 73(11), 115433-1-115433-7.


Stohr, M., Wahl, M., Galka, CH., Riehm, T., Jung, TA., & Gade, LH. (2005). Controlling molecular assembly in two dimensions: the concentration dependence of thermally induced 2D aggregation of molecules on a metal surface. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 44(45), 7394-7398.
Belser, T., Stöhr, M., & Pfaltz, A. (2005). Immobilization of rhodium complexes at thiolate monolayers on gold surfaces: Catalytic and structural studies. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 127(24), 8720-8731.


Wagner, T., Bannani, A., Bobisch, C., Karacuban, H., Stöhr, M., Gabriel, M., & Moller, R. (2004). Growth of 3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic-dianhydride crystallites on noble metal surfaces. Organic Electronics, 5(1-3), 35-43.


Stöhr, M., Gabriel, M., & Moller, R. (2002). Analysis of the three-dimensional structure of a small crystallite by scanning tunneling microscopy: Multilayer films of 3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic-dianhydride (PTCDA) on Cu(110). Europhysics Letters, 59(3), 423-429.
Stöhr, M., Wagner, T., Gabriel, M., Weyers, B., & Moller, R. (2002). Direct observation of hindered eccentric rotation of an individual molecule: Cu-phthalocyanine on C60. Physical Review B, 65(3), 033404-1-033404-4. Article 033404.
Gabriel, M., Stöhr, M., & Moller, R. (2002). Growth of 3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic-dianhydride (PTCDA) on Cu(110) studied by STM. Applied Physics A, Materials Science & Processing, 74(2), 303-305.
Widmer, I., Hubler, U., Stöhr, M., Merz, L., Guntherodt, HJ., Hermann, BA., Samori, P., Rabe, JP., Rheiner, PB., Greiveldinger, G., & Murer, P. (2002). Hourglass-shaped dendrimers on surfaces: A comparison of different scanning-tunneling-microscopy approaches. Helvetica Chimica Acta, 85(12), 4255-4263.
Stöhr, M., Gabriel, M., & Moller, R. (2002). Investigation of the growth of PTCDA on Cu(110): an STM study. Surface Science, 507, 330-334. Article PII S0039-6028(02)01266-9.
Merz, L., Hitz, J., Hubler, U., Weyermann, P., Diederich, F., Murer, P., Seebach, D., Widmer, I., Stöhr, M., Güntherodt, H.-J., & Hermann, B. A. (2002). STM investigation on single, physisorbed dendrimers. Single Molecules, 3(5), 295-299.


Stöhr, M., Wagner, T., Gabriel, M., Weyers, B., & Möller, R. (2001). Binary molecular layers of C-60 and copper phthalocyanine on Au(111): Self-organized nanostructuring. Advanced Functional Materials, 11(3), 175-178.
Last modified:09 June 2023 8.36 p.m.