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Research Zernike (ZIAM) Physics of nanodevices OptoSpintronics of Quantum Materials

Open Positions

Do you want to do your BSc or MSc research project in our group? Do not hesitate to contact us to hear about open projects!

We currently have open PhD student positions! Interested in joining our team? Please apply here !

If you have a competitive CV, you are also encouraged to look for personal funding. Please check the Univesity of Groningen Grant Finder and contact Marcos Guimaraes to inform him about which grant you are planning to apply to.

If you are looking for a postdoctoral position and have a very competitive CV and would like to apply for a personal grant (individual fellowship), such as the NWO Veni grant or a Marie-Curie Individual Fellowship, we might be able to provide some support. Please contact Marcos Guimaraes by email with your CV and publication list attached.

Last modified:25 April 2024 5.06 p.m.