- Nov 6&7 we will orgnize a STED microscopy workshop. Register before Oct 23, for details see here.
- [Sep 4 2023] Our lab is expanding! Besides two PhD students we are also happy to welcome two new master students, Luca Vitrano and Aaltje van der Molen!
- [Sep 1 2023] We welcome our new PhD student Sietse Dijt to our lab! He will be working on imaging cell division at the nanoscale, funded by a NWO-M grant
- [Aug 29 2023] Congratulations to all involved in our latest collaborative work on Rapid Internalization of Nanoparticles by Human Cells at the Single Particle Level, now published in ACS Nano!

- [Aug 1 2023] We welcome our new PhD student Valerie Klaus to our lab! She will be working on unraveling the coronavirus Achilles’ heel, namely how coronaviruses multiply their genetic material and how genetic material is packed into new viral particles, funded by an ENW-XL grant

- [May 22-23 2023] Very inspiring to visit Glasgow and join the panel: Faster, more reproducible instrument development, at the Royal Society Theo Murphy meeting: Open, reproducible hardware for microscopy

- [May 18 2023] Our latest work in collaboration with the Molecular Immunology group of Geert van den Bogaart was published in the Journal of Cell Biology. Congratulations Femmy with this beautiful work! Giant worm-shaped ESCRT scaffolds surround actin-independent integrin clusters
- [March 31 2023] Congratulations Thomas! With your first first-author publication: Fluorescence-based super-resolution-microscopy strategies for chromatin studies .
- [March 24 2023] Congratulations Eline! With your first publication: Super-Resolution Imaging of Peroxisomal Proteins Using STED Nanoscopy
- [March 15 2023] Our work on archaeal cell division, a great collaboration under the lead of Buzz Baum (MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology) and with the lab of Andela Saric (Institute of Science and Technology Austria) is now published in Science Advances! read the full (open access) article here: The patterned assembly and stepwise Vps4-mediated disassembly of composite ESCRT-III polymers drives archaeal cell division

- [March 6 2023] We welcome Raúl Luna Mena to our lab, he will be working on his Nanoscience research project.
- [Jan 12 2023] Our latest work in collaboration with the lab of Prof. Petra Rudolf and with the lab of Prof. Anna Salvati is now accepted for publication in Nanoscale, congratulations to all authors! Title: Temperature-responsive and biocompatible nanocarriers based on clay nanotubes for controlled anti-cancer drug release. Hemmatpour et al., 12-Jan-2023, (E-pub ahead of print).
- [Dec 12 2022] We are proud to receive an FSE research grant, enabling us to hire a new PhD student to work on developing STED microscopy to investigate cell division at the nanoscale!
- [Nov 9 2022] We have our first code online on the Github page of our group, as well as on Zenodo with a DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7307223!
- [Sep 30 2022] Our latest work, on STED automation, is now on BiorXiv as well! Congratulations Frank Mol!
- [Sep 19 2022] Great to be at the EMBL Workshop Imaging down to single-molecule resolution: STED and MINFLUX nanoscopy. From Sep 19-Sep 24 in Heidelberg. Good to see my former colleagues again!

- [Sep 5 2022] We welcome Teresa Maunz to our group, who will work in the coming year on her Master Research project in physics!
- [July 27 2022] Celebrating receiving the NWO open competition ENW-XL grant! We are excited to be part of the team lead by Dulin (VU), investigating the coronavirus Achilles’ heel, namely how coronaviruses multiply their genetic material and how genetic material is packed into new viral particles. We will therefore have another funded PhD position coming up!
- [July 2022] Our new PhD position, related to the NWO M grant, is now published. Are you looking for a PhD position on cell division at the nanoscale, apply here!
- [June 29 2022] Celebrating receiving the NWO M grant, the Open Competition Domain Science-M programme of the Dutch Research Council for innovative research projects. Proud to have received one of the seven grants awarded to M1 proposals out of 50 applicants. We therefore now have an open PhD position to work on: Filming cell division using AI.
- [June 20 2022] Looking forward to the first MOSBRI scientific conference, 20th-22nd of June 2022, at the Institut Pasteur Paris. Here we will present our latest work: Automated STED nanoscopy allows to study cell division withouth synchronization and reveals how the assembly and constriction of ESCRT-III polymers aid archeal cell division.
- [June 16 2022] We are happy to host dr. Siddharth Deshpande from Wageningen University who will give the physics colloquium: A Tale of Two Droplets: from Synthetic Cells to Biosensors. June 16, 4pm.
- [June 2022] We are visiting the Zernike Institute Vlieland conference, June 2022, where two posters and a talk will be presented.

[May 2022] Congratulations Eline!! with your first paper officially accepted for publication: Super-resolution imaging of peroxisomal proteins using STED nanoscopy. Accepted in Peroxisomes: Methods and Protocols, 2nd Edition, Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer Nature
Rifka Vlijm looks forward to give a seminar in the Woman in Science seminar series of the Life and Medical Science institute at the university of Bonn on February the 8th, 2022. The title of the talk will be Unraveling Cell division: from single molecule biophysics to live cell STED nanoscopy. Please contact me to receive the registration link.
Thomas Burgers got featured in the Zernike Institute Advent Calendar . Thank you Thomas for the great work in setting up the lab with me, and congratulations with your great progress!
We look forward to the upcoming Dutch Biophysics where Thomas Burgers presents his poster Improving live-cell STED microscopy by non-toxic photostabilizing agents, and Eline de Lange presents her poster Zooming in: unravelling the role of peroxisomal contact sites using STED microscopy in poster session 2, from 11.25-12.25 on Tuesday Oct. 12.
We are happy with Frank Mol starting his exciting PhD project in our group, welcome!

Welcome Lidewei Dubbink to our group!
Congratulations Anna Kenbeek with the nice presentation at the Nanosience Symposium, and with finishing your research project.
Chemogenetic Tags with Probe Exchange for Live-Cell Fluorescence Microscopy made it to the cover of ACS Chemical Biology!

Our latest paper, a collaboration with the Poolman group of the Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute in Groningen, is now online: Chemogenetic Tags with Probe Exchange for Live-Cell Fluorescence Microscopy
We are now hiring a PhD student! Are you interested in doing your PhD in STED nanoscopy? Applying optics and programming to study the functioning of living cells at the smallest scale? Have a look at our vacancies or contact r.vlijm
Eline de Lange started with her exciting PhD project in the group of Ida van der Klei and our group, welcome!

- Our latest paper, a collaboration with the Rippe group of the DKFZ in Heidelberg, is now online:
Mouse Heterochromatin Adopts Digital Compaction States without Showing Hallmarks of HP1-Driven Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation.
Rifka was one of the two winners of the Famelab local heat Groningen, a science outreach competition! All the pitch video's are now published at the website of the Brittish Counsel:

Our group has place for a position of the PhD scholarship programme: If you are interested in working on your own research ideas, NOW is the time to write your proposal. For application conditions, look here, and feel free to contact us to discuss your ideas.
March 5, 2020, Rifka will present her research in a 3 minute talk at the local finals of Famelab, an outreach and engagement competition. Time: 20:00-22:30 Location: Het Kasteel Groningen
Thomas Burgers started his PhD in February
At the Zernike colloquium, Rifka will presented her research. October 10, starting at 16.00.
At the Dutch Biophysics on October 8 in Veldhoven, Rifka gave a talk on: STED nanoscopy reveals unexpected structures in the centrosome linker.
Rifka Vlijm started her new position as Assistant Professor Molecular Biophysics at the Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials on October 1.
Last modified: | 23 December 2024 12.00 p.m. |