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Towards implementing the Sendai Framework, using water as a leverage: Reflections on occasion of the 2022 International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction

Date:13 October 2022
Author:Angelo J. Imperiale

Today, 13 October 2022, is the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (IDDRR). The IDDRR is held every 13 October and is meant to be an opportunity to acknowledge and review the progress being made by members states toward preventing and reducing...

Picture taken by the author in July 2020

12 years after: Learning from the L'Aquila disaster (Abruzzo, Italy)

Date:06 April 2021
Author:Angelo J. Imperiale

Twelve years ago, at 3.32 a.m. on April 6, 2009, L'Aquila, the capital city of the Abruzzo region in central Italy, and its surrounding area were devastated by an earthquake measuring 6.3 on the Moment Magnitude Scale (5.9 on the Richter Scale), killing...

Disaster Risk Reduction Day

What governance do we need to reduce disaster risk and enhance our democracies amid COVID-19 crisis?

Date:13 October 2020
Author:Angelo J. Imperiale
Some reflections to celebrate the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 2020. Since the call launched by the United Nations General Assembly in 1989, the 13th October has been designated to celebrate worldwide the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), as an opportunity to promote a global culture of risk-awareness and advocate for reducing the exposure of local communities, especially the most vulnerable, to future disasters.
Dr. Stephen Adaawen in Brussels

Expert Briefing: African Perspectives on Migration to the EU

Date:11 November 2019

The expert briefings were held in Brussels and Berlin from the 15 – 18 October 2019. The briefings, organized under the auspices of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and MEP Birgit Sippel (S&D Group) in the European Parliament, sought to solicit and highlight...

Susplace logo

Sustainable place-shaping: what, why and how? Findings of the SUSPLACE program

Date:11 October 2019
Author:Prof. Ina Horlings

SUSPLACE, the acronym for SUStainable PLACE-shaping, is a European Marie Curie (ITN) funding scheme for Innovative Training Networks funded by the European Commission. The overall aim of SUSPLACE was “to train Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) in innovative,...

In Lagos, people say traffic because it seems there is almost no difference between normal traffic and traffic jams, since it is so busy. Always.

Lagos, Nigeria; ‘’Traffic, traffic, traffic. There is always traffic.’’

Date:23 September 2019
Author:Stefano Blezer

In June 2019, I participated in the #CoCreateMyCity Lagos project in which 15 Dutch master students collaborated with 15 Nigerian students in an interdisciplinary and multicultural setting to address five challenges the city is facing: A fresh fish supply...

Beeld van Cornelis Lely op de Afsluitdijk (Foto: Rijkswaterstaat)

In Holwerd aan Zee is de nieuwe Lely opgestaan

Date:07 May 2019
Author:Tialda Haartsen
Al vanaf 2013 hoorde ik regelmatig over dit innovatieve plan. En net als eerder werd ik opnieuw laaiend enthousiast. In de eerste plaats omdat het nieuwe levendigheid en ontwikkelkansen voor het krimpende Holwerd kan opleveren. Maar vooral omdat Holwerd aan Zee het indrukwekkendste bottom up burgerinitiatief is dat ik ken.
Young Rural Stayers

Impact award 2019: Research communication about young regional stayers

Date:07 March 2019
Author:Eva Maersk

In recent years Europe has seen an increase in research grants which requires societal impact and research communication in the applications for funding. The ACCOMPLISSH-project under Sustainable Society at University of Groningen has been the number one...

Berlin Food Policy Council

Food Democracy and the Berlin Food Policy Council

Date:12 November 2018
Author:Stephen Leitheiser

Citizen-led Food Policy Councils (FPCs, called an Ernährungsrat in Germany) have been long-standing in the United States and Canada.  But, in recent years Europe has seen an increasing emergence of food initiatives seeking transformative political change...

Aan adviezen over eten en gezondheid geen gebrek

Gezondheid vs geluk, waar ligt de norm?

Date:12 October 2018

‘Weet wat je eet’, ‘elk pondje gaat door het mondje’ en ‘doe gezond eet een appel’. Aan adviezen over eten en gezondheid geen gebrek. Het debat over voeding en gezondheid wordt over het algemeen ingegeven door wat acceptabel en verantwoordelijk is en wat...

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