Current PhD students
Daniel Bartelds (UL)
Dictionary use by secondary school pupils while translating Greek and Latin texts
Morris Beks (UvA)
Ruling by Acclamation, Legitimacy of the Eastern Roman Emperor during transfers of power from the 10th to 12th centuries
Hylkde de Boer (UG)
Sustainable Processes of Making in Roman Literature
Toon Bongers (UGent)
Inland waterways in the Roman transport network of the Gallic and Germanic provinces (c. 50 BC – c. AD 400)
Lola Bos (UvA)
Staged Narrative as an Anchoring Device: Narratology, Intermediality and Cognition in Sophocles
Yannis Brichant (UGent)
Under pressure: the impact of socio-economic and institutional dynamics on the late Roman aristocracy (565-641)
Marin-Marie Le Bris (RU)
A democratic turn? Uncovering and understanding reference patterns to Graeco-Roman antiquity in 20th-century public discourse
Tom Britton (UG)
Connecting the Greeks: festival networks in the ancient world
Friederike Brunzema (UG)
Carmen Burgio (UGent/UG)
Religious difference and deviance: re-appraising toleration in Greco-Roman Antiquity
Chiara Cecconi (UU)
The Epistemological Turn in Hellenistic Medicine. Herophilus of Chalcedon, Erasistratus of Ceos and Medical Innovation
Dapeng Chen (UG)
Powers Coexisted: Rome, Rhodes, Pergamon and Cities in Second-Century Western Asia Minor
Jitse Daniels (UG)
Agents of Anchoring: Roman colonies and settlements from the Mithridatic wars to Augustus in Greece and Asia Minor
Alexis Daveloose (UGent)
Family matters: a comparative and interconnected analysis of the social importance of family relations and descent in Republican Etruria and Latium (ca. 500-31 BC)
Marije Derksen (RU)
Chatterboxes, Seductresses and Emotional Wrecks. Anchoring Innovation in Female Characterization in Hellenistic Poetry
Teun van Dijk (VU)
Anchoring Asceticism in Late Antique Gaul: Interiority, Paideia, and Community in Lérinian hagiography
Oriol Febrer (UL)
Greek epigram in Rome: cultural diversity in pointed verse
Angelo Gargiulo (UGent)
Every thunder means something
Kees Geluk (UL)
The natural rise of an Empire: an ecocritical study into Greek poetry of the early Empire
Kyriaki Giannikou (UGent)
The scribe at work: Byzantine book epigrams between formulaicity and creativity
Giovanni Gomiero (UGent)
Thomas of Marga and the Book of Superiors: texts, formation and socio-cultural context of an East-Syrian bishop in the mid-ninth century
Geert Ham (UL)
Greece and Egypt, side by side? Material and visual presentation in early Ptolemaic Egypt
Anique Hamelink (UvA)
Dress, gender and identity in the northern and western provinces of the Roman empire
Leonie Henkes (UL)
Folk theories of crying as represented in ancient Greek literature from Homer till the 5th century BCE
Larissa Henrique Dos Santos Lemos (RU)
Uncovering Emotions - The Straints of Roman Slave Ownership
Boris Hoetjes (UvA)
Anchoring Ambiguity in Vergil's Aeneid
Hanna Hoogenraad (VU)
Paul, Syriac Christianity, and Judaism: Syriac Interpretations of Romans 9–11
Kevin Hoogeveen (UvA)
The peasant’s potent move. Internal migration and the socio-economic transformation of Egypt, 284-642 CE
Emma Huig (UGent)
The Holy Romance. Characterization and concepts of fiction in Italo-Greek hagiography
Indra Huliselan (UL)
Roman Fake News? Documentary Fictions in the Roman Empire
Henric Jansen (UL)
Inventing War in Greco-Roman Antiquity
Bart Janssen (RU)
The Emperor's New Praise: Encomiastic traditions and loci communes in Pliny's Panegyricus
Gideon de Jong (RU)
Sanne de Jong (RU)
Disastrous natural and political climates: The effects of volcanic-induced climate anomalies in relation to socio-political unrest and resilience in the Roman Empire (43 BCE to 650 CE)
Jacob Karels (VU)
Causal conjunctions in Koine Greek
Sandra Karten (UL)
ALLEEN SAMEN: naar een succesvolle ontwikkeling van vakoverstijgend onderwijs op het gymnasium
Christian Kicken (RU)
Old Roads. New Ways. Adapting and Anchoring the Infrastructure of the Roman Empire; Anchoring Innovation
Paul Kloeg (UL)
An Empire of 2000 Cities: Urbanism in the Roman Near East
Thomas Kluitenburg (UL)
Experiencing Fragments
Lotte Knijn (UvA)
Female characterization in ancient epic
Marijke Kooijman (UGent)
Lobbying in Late Antiquity
Patricia Kret (UL)
Changing use, changing needs? The use of amulets from the first century BCE to the early Christian world
Karin Laporte (UL)
Narrative patterns in Herodian's History of the Roman Empire
Imme Laseur (UvA)
Livy as Stylistic Anchor
Eleonora Lauro (UGent)
Byzantine paratexts as nodes between material culture of manuscripts and reading strategies
Mirte Liebregts (RU)
Classics for all? A socio-cultural history of the Loeb Classical Library
Elsa Lucassen (UvA)
Lived Time: The changing Festival Calendar in Late Antique Egypt
Grace MacLachlan (RU)
Chiara di Maio (RU)
A 'Sophistic Age' of Greek Lyric? Defining and Receiving Poetic Anti-traditionalism in IV Century BCE
Giovanni Margiotta (RU)
Under the cloak of words: Oratio figurata and loci communes in Cicero’s Caesarian speeches
Cindy Meijer (VU)
Prophecy and power: predictive texts and politics in the Hellenistic Near East
Isabelle de Meyer (UGent)
A semantic and etymological study on Greek ἀραρίσκω 'to adapt' and its cognates
Geert De Mol (UGent)
Everyday writing in Graeco-Roman and Late Antique Egypt (I - VIII AD): a socio-semiotic study of communicative variation
Glyn Muitjens (UL)
Skin deep? The sociocultural meaning of skin in ancient Greek literature
Daan Mulder (UU)
The literary style of Plotinus
Henri van Nispen (RU)
Gaius Caligula, Rome's first real emperor
Janis Oomen (UG)
Traditions of the Past, Innovations of the Present. Identity Formation in the Inscribed Funerary Monuments of Roman Sicily
Maria Chiara Parisi (UvA)
Mathematics & Scientific Explanation in Antiquity: A ‘Slow Science’ and ‘Big Data’ Study
Ruben Poelstra (UL)
The Epic Rebirth of Christ: Reciprocal Anchoring in the Italian Renaissance
Manon Post (UL)
A Fiscal Revolution - A New Perspective on the Introduction and Spread of Coinage
Andrés Rea (UGent)
The Benefactor in Late Antiquity
Clarine Rijpstra-van Daal (UU)
Galen on education
Karl Robinson (UGent)
Hierarchy and Equality in Late Antiquity: Subverting Power Relations in the Later Roman Empire
Ricarda Schier (UGent)
Epistolary codes: socio-rhetorical strategies in Byzantine letters
Pim Schievink (UG)
Creating complex sacred spaces: experience, agency and multivocality in Hellenistic Asklepieia (4th century BC – 1st century BC)
Nicky Schreuder (UL)
Anchoring a New World on the Wall: Experiencing Pompeian Second-Style Paintings in a Gobalising Context
Jeffrey Schulman (UG)
Anchoring the New Empire: Praise and the Imperial Court
Ramon Selles (UvA)
Humans and nature in the Roman literary imagination, 50-100 CE
Tanya Sieiro van der Beek (UG)
Arrival of the Attalids: regional identity and local impact of Pergamon religion politics
Joost Snaterse (RU)
Elite patronage and social boundaries in the Byzantine city
Simon Speksnijder (UG)
Greeting and eating: control and hierarchy in Roman society, 80 B.C. - A.D. 180
Silvia Stopponi (UG)
Exploring ancient Greek meaning change and some relevant semantic domains by training word embeddings
Demi Storm (RU)
Beneath the Surface. A study on daily experiences of mine- and quarry workers in the Roman Empire through critical fabulation
Song Tan (UL)
The Representation of Imperial Rule and the Classical World in Early Medieval England
Nolke Tasma (UL)
Aramaic Epigraphy in the Roman Near East and the Parthian Commonwealth: Imperial Elites and Local Realities
Caroline van Toor (UG)
Multiculturality and mortuary practices. Shifting identities in Hellenistic and Roman Thessaloniki
Piril Us-MacLennan (UGent)
Making Narratives of an Empire's Unmaking: A Critical spatialization of Byzantine Historiography of the Late Eleventh and Early Twelfth Centuries
Koen Vacano (VU)
Epic cinema: from Vergil to Star Wars
Michele Valandro (RU)
Uncovering and analyzing changes in the institutional language of communities in the Republican Western provinces - Africa Proconsularis, Gallia Cisalpina, Gallia Narbonensis and Hispania
Nina Vanhoutte (UGent)
Learning in Byzantium: characteristics of Greek didactic poetry in the 11th and 12th century
Valentina Vari (UG)
Writing Latin in Roman Greece
Suzan van de Velde (UL)
Moving statues. The introduction and impact of Greek statuary in Republican Rome
Bob van Velthoven (UL)
Economic thinking in the Socratic authors and Aristotle
Merlijn Veltman (UL)
From the Sea to the Steppe: Anchoring Mediterranean Objectscapes in Pastoralist Burials in Central Asia
Alexandra Vereeck (UGent)
Non scholae sed vitae? An Empirical Study on the Cognitive Transfer Effects of Studying Classical Languages in Flemish Secondary Education
Julie Verlinden (UGent)
Can stones be made (artificially) intelligent? Understanding communities and people from patterns and similarities of architectural decoration in Roman Asia Minor
Louis Verreth (UL)
Claiming Ancient Rome’s Heritage: the Translatio Imperii as an Anchoring Device in Neo- Latin Poetry at the Court of Lorenzo de’ Medici (1469-1492) and Other Late 15th-Century Courts in Italy
Robin van Vliet (UG)
Anchoring Roman rule: Rome-oriented cults and festivals in the Greek world
Martje de Vries (RU)
Saving and Shaping the Roman Past: Athanasius Kircher’s Reception of Rome’s Textual and Tangible Legacy
Anna van der Weij (UU)
Constructing the Limes
Carolina Welslau (UU)
Plotinus on Recollection and Sense Perception
Adam Wiznura (UG)
Contests Connecting Communities: The Regional Festival Networks of Hellenistic Thessaly
Susanna Wolfert-De Vries (UU)
The Emergence of Judaism in Late Antique Egypt as a Hebrew/Aramaic Speaking Diaspora Community
Last modified: | 24 February 2025 2.14 p.m. |