Some general but useful links:

The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) is the central Dutch organization in the field of fundamental and strategic scientific research. NWO encompasses all fields of scholarship. Consequently, NWO plays a key role in the development of science, technology and culture in The Netherlands.

The Technology Foundation STW is the Dutch funding agency for university research. Tenured university staff can apply for a research grant, provided that their proposal includes utilization: the embedding of the results in society. The STW actively supports utilization by involving market parties in the users committee.

The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation promotes the Netherlands' position as a leading economy with a world-class agrifood sector. Economic activity and innovation are essential to the prosperity of the Netherlands. The Ministry enhances the country's long-term competitive strength and facilitates the private sector, which drives the economy. The Ministry takes an expansive view in its approach to economic issues, looking to the environment, the private sector, consumers and beyond national borders.
Last modified: | 06 March 2019 2.51 p.m. |