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Selected Publications


Bakker, J., J.A. Lopez Alvarez, and P. Buijs(2024). A Network Design Perspective on the Adoption Potential of Electric Road Systems in Early Development Stages. Applied Energy, 361, 122887.

Hastürk, U., A.H. Schrotenboer, E. Ursavas, and K.J. Roodbergen (2024). Stochastic Cyclic Inventory Routing with Supply Uncertainty: A Case in GreenHydrogen Logistics. Transportation Science, forthcoming.


Fluit, M., T. Bortolotti, M. Broekhuis, and M. van Teerns (2023). Segmenting Citizens According to their Self-sufficiency : A Tool for Local Government. Social Science & Medicine, 335, 116246.

Pulles, N.J., C. Ellegaard, and J. Veldman (2023). The Interplay Between Supplier-Specific Investments and Supplier Dependence: Do Two Pluses Make a Minus? Journal of Management, 49 (4), 1187-1495.

Taylor, K.M., and E. Rosca (2023), Sink, Swim, or Drift : How Social Enterprises Use Supply Chain Social Capital to Balance Tensions Between Impact and Viability. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 59 (2), 62-86.

Tjaberings, J., S. Fazi, and E. Ursavas (2022). Evaluating Operational Strategies for the Installation of Offshore Wind Turbine Substructures. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 170, 112951.

Tong, X., K. Linderman, and Q. Zhu (2023). Managing a portfolio of environmental projects : Focus, balance, and environmental management capabilities. Journal of Operations Management, 69 (1), 127-158

Heeres, T.J., Tran, T.M., & Noort, B.A. (2023). Drivers and Barriers to Implementing the Internet of Things in the Health Care Supply Chain: Mixed Methods Multicase Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 25, e48730.


Bakir, I. , M. Yildirim, and E. Ursavas (2021). An Integrated Optimization Framework for Multi-Component Predictive Analytics in Wind Farm Operations & Maintenance. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 138 (March), 110639.

Broek, M. uit het, A. Schrotenboer, B. Jargalsaikhan, K.J. Roodbergen, and L. Callegari Coelho (2021). Asymmetric Multidepot Vehicle Routing Problems: Valid Inequalities and a Branch-and-cut Algorithm. Operations Research, 69 (2), 380-409.

Jargalsaikhan, B. , W. Romeijnders, and K.J. Roodbergen (2021). A Compact Arc-based ILP Formulation for the Pickup and Delivery Problem with Divisible Pickups and Deliveries. Transportation Science, 55 (2), 336-352.

Neves-Moreira, F. , J. Veldman, and R.H. Teunter (2021). Service Operation Vessels for Offshore Wind Farm Maintenance: Optimal Stock Levels. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 146, 111158.

Xue, D., R. Teunter, S. Zhu, and W. Zhou (2021). Entering the High-end Market by Collecting and Remanufacturing a Competitor's High-end Cores. Omega, 99, 102168.


Beesten, E.R. van, and W. Romeijnders (2020). Convex Approximations for Two-stage Mixed-integer Mean-risk Recourse Models with Conditional Value-at-risk. Mathematical Programming, 181 (2), 473-507.

Broek, M.A.J. uit het, R.H. Teunter, B. de Jonge, J. Veldman , and N.D. van Foreest (2020). Condition-Based Production Planning : Adjusting Production Rates to Balance Output and Failure Risk. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 22 (4), 645-867.

Dural-Selcuk, G., R. Rossi, O.A. Kilic, and S.A. Tarim (2020). The Benefit of Receding Horizon Control: Near-optimal Policies for Stochastic Inventory Control. Omega, 97, 102091.

Feng, Y., X. Tong, and Q. Zhu (2020). The Market Value of Sustainable Practices in the Luxury Industry: An Identity Mismatch and Institutional Theoretical Perspective. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 137 (May), 101919.

Fokkema, J.E. , M.J. Land, L.C. Coelho, H. Wortmann, and G.B. Huitema (2020). A Continuous-time Supply-driven Inventory-constrained Routing Problem. Omega, 92 (Apr.), 102151.

Liu, J., H. Hu, X. Tong, and Q. Zhu (2020). Behavioral and Technical Perspectives of Green Supply Chain Management Practices: Empirical Evidence from an Emerging Market. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 140 (Aug.), 102013.

Lopez Alvarez, J.A. , P. Buijs, O.A. Kilic, and I.F.A. Vis (2020). An Inventory Control Policy for Liquefied Natural Gas as a Transportation Fuel. Omega, 90 (Jan.), 101985.

Lopez Alvarez, J.A., P. Buijs , R. Deluster, L.C. Coelho, and E. Ursavas (2020). Strategic and Operational Decision-making in Expanding Supply Chains for LNG as a Fuel. Omega, 97, 102093.

Maas, W.J., M.M.H. Lahr, E. Buskens, D.J. van der Zee, M. Uyttenboogaart, and on behalf of CONTRAST Investigators (2020). Pathway Design for Acute Stroke Care in the Era of Endovascular Thrombectomy: A Critical Overview of Optimization Efforts. Stroke, 51 (11), 3452-3460.

Neves-Moreira, F. , M. Amorim-Lopes, and P. Amorim (2020). The Multi-period Vehicle Routing Problem with Refueling Decisions: Traveling Further to Decrease Fuel Cost? Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 133 (Jan.), 101817.

Riezebos, J. , and S.X. Zhu (2020). Inventory Control with Seasonality of Lead Times. Omega, 92 (Apr.), 102162.

Romeijnders, W., and N. van der Laan (2020). Pseudo-Valid Cutting Planes for Two-Stage Mixed-Integer Stochastic Programs with Right-Hand-Side Uncertainty. Operations Research, 68 (4), 1199-1217.

Schrotenboer, A. , E. Ursavas, and I. Vis (2020). Mixed Integer Programming models for Planning Maintenance at Offshore Wind Farms under Uncertainty. Transportation Research. Part C: Emerging Technologies, 112, 180-202

Sun, L., R.H. Teunter, G. Hua, and T. Wu (2020). Taxi-hailing Platforms: Inform or Assign Drivers? Transportation Research. Part B: Methodological, 142, 197-212.

Ursavas, E. , S. Zhu, and M. Savelsbergh (2020). LNG Bunkering Network Design in Inland Waterways. Transportation Research. Part C: Emerging Technologies, 120, 102779.


Boer, W.I.J. de , E. Buskens, R.H. Koning, and J.O. Mierau (2019). Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status and Health Care Costs : A Population-Wide Study in the Netherlands. American Journal of Public Health, 109 (6) 927-933.

Broek, M.A.J. uit het, J. Veldman, S. Fazi
, and R. Greijdanus (2019). Evaluating Resource Sharing for Offshore Wind Farm Maintenance : The Case of Jack-up Vessels. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 109 (July), 619-632.

Fazi, S. (2019). A Decision-Support Framework for the Stowage of Maritime Containers in Inland Shipping. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 131 (Nov), 1-23.

Kull, T., F. Wiengarten, D. Power, and P. Shah (2019). Acting as Expected Global Leadership Preferences and the Pursuit of an Integrated Supply Chain. The Journal of Supply Chain Management, 55 (3), 24-44.

Regts, G., E. Molleman, and H.J. van de Brake (2019). The Impact of Leader-Member Exchange on Follower Performance in Light of the Larger Social Network. Human Relations, 72 (8), 1265-1291.

Simpson, D., D. Power, K. Riach, and Y. Tsarenko (2019). Consumer Motivation for Product Disposal and its Role in Acquiring Products for Reuse. Journal of Operations Management, 64 (7), 612-635.

Wasir, R., S. Irawati, A. Makady, M. Postma, W. Goettsch, E. Buskens, and T. Feenstra (2019). Use of Medicine Pricing and Reimbursement Policies for Universal Health Coverage in Indonesia. PLoS ONE, 14 (2). e0212328.

Xiao, C., M. Wilhelm, T. van der Vaart, and D.P. van Donk (2019). Inside the Buying Firm : Exploring Responses to Paradoxical Tensions in Sustainable Supply Chain Management. The Journal of Supply Chain Management, 55 (1), 3-20.


Bokhorst, J.A.C. , and T. van der Vaart (2018). Acute medical unit design : The impact of rearranged patient flows. Socio-economic Planning Sciences, 62 (June), 75-83.

Foreest, N.D. van , R.H. Teunter, and A.A. Syntetos (2018). Base-stock Policies with Reservations. Omega, 81 (Dec.), 48-56.

Heide, G. van der, P. Buijs, K.J. Roodbergen, and I.F.A. Vis (2018). Dynamic Shipments of Inventories in Shared Warehouse and Transportation Networks. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 118 (Oct.), 240-257.

Kromme, N.M.H., C.T.B. Ahaus, R.O.B. Gans, and H.B.M. van de Wiel (2018). Internists’ Dilemmas in their Interactions with Chronically Ill Patients : A Comparison of their Interaction Strategies and Dilemmas in Two Different Medical Contexts. PLoS ONE, 13(5), 1-20.

Li, H., J. Shao, and S.X. Zhu (2018). Parallel Importation in a Supply Chain : The Impact of Gray Market Structure. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 114 (June), 220-241.

Ursavas, E. , and X. Zhu (2018). Integrated Passenger and Freight Train Planning on Shared-Use Corridors. Transportation Science, 52 (6), 1376–1390.

Wu, M., T. Bai, and S.X. Zhu (2018). A Loss Averse Competitive Newsvendor Problem with Anchoring. Omega, 81 (Dec.), 99-111.

Xiao, C., Q. Wang, T. van der Vaart, and D.P. van Donk (2018). When Does Corporate Sustainability Performance Pay off? The Impact of Country-Level Sustainability Performance. Ecological Economics, 2018; 146: 325-333.

Zhu, S.X. , and E. Ursavas (2018). Design and Analysis of a Satellite Network with Direct Delivery in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 116 (Aug.), 190-207.


Dijkstra, A. and K.J. Roodbergen (2017), Exact Route-Length Formulas and a Storage Location Assignment Heuristic for Picker-to-Parts Warehouses. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 102 (June), 38-59.

Lahr, M.M.H., D.J. van der Zee, G.J. Luijckx, P.C.A.I. Vroomen, and E. Buskens (2017). Centralising and Optimising Decentralised Stroke Care Systems: A Simulation Study on Short-Term Costs and Effects. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 17 (5), 1-12.


Beemsterboer B, Land M, Teunter R (2016). Hybrid MTO-MTS production planning: An explorative study. European Journal of Operational Research. 248(2):453-461. Available from, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor2015.07.037

Beemsterboer B, Teunter R, Riezebos J (2016). Two-product storage-capacitated inventory systems: A technical note. International Journal of Production Economics.176:92-97. Available from, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2016.03.015

Beens M-A, Ursavas E (2016). Scheduling cranes at an indented berth. European Journal of Operational Research. 253(2):298-313. Available from, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2016.02.038

Bouma HW, Teunter RH (2016). The routed inventory pooling problem with multiple lateral transshipments. International Journal of Production Research. 54(12):3523-3533. Available from, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2015.1082668

Buijs P, Lopez Alvarez JA, Veenstra M, Roodbergen KJ (2016). Improved collaborative transport planning at Dutch logistics service provider Fritom. Interfaces. 46(2):119-132. Available from, DOI: 10.1287/inte.2015.0838

Cransberg V, Land M, Hicks C, Stevenson M (2016). Handling the complexities of real-life job shops when implementing workload control: a decision framework and case-study. International Journal of Production Research.54(4):1094-1109. Available from, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2015.1047974

de Jonge B, Klingenberg W, Teunter R, Tinga T (2016). Reducing costs by clustering maintenance activities for multiple critical units. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 145:93-103.

Drupsteen J, van der Vaart T, van Donk D (2016). Operational antecedents of integrated patient planning in hospitals. International Journal of Operations & Production Management., 36(8), 879-900. Available from, DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2015.09.003

Dube N, van der Vaart T, Teunter RH, Van Wassenhove LN (2016). Host government impact on the logistics performance of international humanitarian organisations. Journal of Operations Management. 47-48:44-57. Available from, DOI: 10.1016/j.jom.2016.05.011

Eissens-Van der Laan M, Broekhuis M, van Offenbeek M, Ahaus K (2016). Service decomposition: a conceptual analysis of modularizing services. International Journal of Operations & Production Management. 36(3):308-331. Available from, DOI: 10.1108/IJOPM-06-2015-0370,

Fernandes NO, Land MJ, Carmo-Silva S (2016). Aligning workload control theory and practice: lot splitting and operation overlapping issues. International Journal of Production Research. 54(10):2965-2975. Available from, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2016.1143134

Kusumastuti RD, van Donk DP, Teunter R (2016). Crop-related harvesting and processing planning: a review. International Journal of Production Economics. 174:76-92. Available from, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2016.01.010

Li H, Zhu SX, Cui N, Li J (2016). Analysis of gray markets in differentiated duopoly. International Journal of Production Research. 54(13):4008-4027. Available from, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2016.1170906

Mathews L, Power D, Touboulic A, Marques L (2016). Building bridges: Toward alternative theory of sustainable supply chain management. The Journal of Supply Chain Management. 52(1):82-94. Available from, DOI: 10.1111/jscm.12097

Olde Keizer MCA, Teunter RH, Veldman J (2016). Clustering condition-based maintenance for systems with redundancy and economic dependencies. European Journal of Operational Research. 251(2):531-540. Available from, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2015.11.008

Prosman E-J, Scholten K, Power D (2016). Dealing with defaulting suppliers using behavioral based governance methods: an agency theory perspective. Supply Chain Management: an International Journal. 21(4):499-511. Available from, DOI: 10.1108/SCM-08-2015-0299

Pulles NJ, Schiele H, Veldman J, Hüttinger L (2016). The impact of customer attractiveness and supplier satisfaction on becoming a preferred customer. Industrial Marketing Management. 54:129-140. Available from, DOI: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2015.06.004

Pulles NJ, Veldman J, Schiele H (2016). Winning the competition for supplier resources: The role of preferential resource allocation from suppliers. International Journal of Operations & Production Management. 36(11):1458-1481. Available from, DOI: 10.1108/IJOPM-03-2014-0125

Regts G, Molleman E (2016). The moderating influence of personality on individual outcomes of social networks. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. 89(3):656-682. Available from, DOI: 10.1111/joop.12147

Romeijnders W, van der Vlerk MH, Klein Haneveld WK (2016). Total variation bounds on the expectation of periodic functions with applications to recourse approximations. Mathematical Programming. 157: 3.46. Available from, DOI: 10.1007/s10107-014-0829-2

Romeijnders W, Schultz R, van der Vlerk MH, Klein Haneveld WK (2016). A convex approximation for two-stage mixed-integer recourse models with a uniform error bound. SIAM Journal on Optimization. 26(1):426-447. Available from, DOI: 10.1137/140986244

Syntetos AA, Teunter RH, Babai MZ, Transchel S (2016). On the benefits of delayed ordering. European Journal of Operational Research. 248(3):963-970. Available from, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2015.08.003

Thürer M, Stevenson M, Land MJ (2016). On the integration of input and output control: Workload control order release. International Journal of Production Economics. 174:43-53. Available from, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2016.01.005

Thürer M, Land MJ, Stevenson M, Fredendall LD (2016). Card-based delivery date promising in high-variety manufacturing with order release control. International Journal of Production Economics. 172:19-30. Available from, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2015.11.003

Ursavas E, Zhu X (2016). Optimal policies for the berth allocation problem under stochastic nature. European Journal of Operational Research. 255(2):380-387. Available from, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2016.04.029

van Anholt RG, Coelho LC, Laporte G, Vis IFA (2016). An inventory-routing problem with pickups and deliveries arising in the replenishment of automated teller machines. Transportation Science. 50(3):1077-1091. Available from, DOI: 10.1287/trsc.2015.0637

van Donk DP, van Doorne R (2016). The impact of the customer order decoupling point on type and level of supply chain integration. International Journal of Production Research. 54(9):2572-2584. Available from, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2015.1101176

van Schoten S, de Blok S, Spreeuwenberg P, Groenewegen P, Wagner C (2016). The EFQM Model as a framework for Total Quality Management in healthcare: results of a longitudinal quantitative study. International Journal of Operations & Production Management. 36(8):901-922. Available from, DOI: 10.1108/IJOPM-03-2015-0139

Wang Q, Li J, Yan H, Zhu SX (2016). Optimal remanufacturing strategies in name-your-own-price auctions with limited capacity. International Journal of Production Economics. 181(Part A):113-129. Available from, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2016.01.008

Wruck S, Vis IFA, Boter J (2016). Risk control for staff planning in e-commerce warehouses. International Journal of Production Research. 1-17. Available from, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2016.1207816

Zhang X, van Donk D, van der Vaart T (2016). The different impact of inter-organizational and intra-organizational ICT on supply chain performance. International Journal of Operations & Production Management. 2016;36(7):803-824. Available from, DOI: 10.1108/IJOPM-11-2014-0516


de Jonge B, Klingenberg W, Teunter R, Tinga T. (2015) Optimum maintenance strategy under uncertainty in the lifetime distribution. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 133:59-67. Available from: 10.1016/j.ress.2014.09.013

de Jonge B, Dijkstra A, Romeijnders W. (2015) Cost benefits of postponing time-based maintenance under lifetime distribution uncertainty. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 140:15-21. Available from: 10.1016/j.ress.2015.03.027

Land M, Stevenson M, Thürer M, Gaalman G. (2015) Job shop control: in search of the key to delivery improvements. International Journal of Production Economics. 168:257-266. Available from: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2015.07.007

Power D, Klassen R, Kull T, Simpson D (2015). Competitive Goals and Plant Investment in Environment and Safety Practices: Moderating Effect of National Culture. Decision Sciences. 46(1):63-100. Available from, DOI: 10.1111/deci.12121

Power D, Gruner R (2015). Exploring reduced global standards-based inter-organisational information technology adoption. International Journal of Operations & Production Management. 35(11):1488-1511. Available from, DOI: 10.1108/IJOPM-01-2013-0016

Prak D, Teunter R, Riezebos J. (2015) Periodic review and continuous ordering. European Journal of Operational Research. 242(3):820-827. Available from: 10.1016/j.ejor.2014.10.026

Riezebos J, Zhu X. (2015) MRP planned orders in a multiple-supplier environment with differing lead times. Production and Operations Management. 24(6):883-895. Available from: 10.1111/poms.12318

Romeijnders W, van der Vlerk MH, Klein Haneveld WK. (2015) Total variation bounds on the expectation of periodic functions with applications to recourse approximations. Mathematical Programming. Available from: 10.1007/s10107-014-0829-2

Roodbergen KJ, Vis IFA, Taylor GD. (2015) Simultaneous determination of warehouse layout and control policies. International Journal of Production Research. 53(11):3306-3326. Available from: 10.1080/00207543.2014.978029

Scholten K, Schilder S. (2015) The role of Collaboration in Supply Chain Resilience. Supply Chain Management: an International Journal. 20(4):471-484. Available from: 10.1108/SCM-11-2014-0386

Thürer M, Land MJ, Stevenson M, Fredendall LD, Godinho Filho M. (2015) Concerning Workload Control and Order Release: The Pre-Shop Pool Sequencing Decision. Production and Operations Management. 24(7):1179-1192. Available from: 10.1111/poms.12304

van der Zee D-J. (2015) Family-based dispatching with parallel machines. International Journal of Production Research. 53(19):5837-5856. Available from: 10.1080/00207543.2015.1011289

Veldman J, Gaalman GJ (2015). Competitive investments in cost reducing process improvement: The role of managerial incentives and spillover learning. International Journal of Production Economics. 170:701–709. Available from, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2015.08.016

Zhu SX. (2015) Integration of capacity, pricing, and lead-time decisions in a decentralized supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics. 164:14-23. Available from: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2015.02.026

Zhu X (2015). Analysis of dual sourcing strategies under supply disruptions. International Journal of Production Economics. 170(Part A):191-203. Available from, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2015.09.019


Alblas A, Peters K, Wortmann J. (2014) Fuzzy sustainability incentives in new product development: An empirical exploration of sustainability challenges in manufacturing companies. International Journal of Operations & Production Management. 34(4):513-545. Available from: 10.1108/IJOPM-10-2012-0461

Alblas AA, Wortmann JC. (2014) Function-technology platforms improve efficiency in high-tech equipment manufacturing: A case study in complex products and systems (CoPS). International Journal of Operations & Production Management. 34(4):447-476.

Bouma HW, Teunter RH. (2014) The routed inventory pooling problem with three non-identical retailers. International Journal of Production Economics. 156:223-234. Available from: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2014.06.004

Buijs P, Wortmann JC. (2014) Joint operational decision-making in collaborative transportation networks: The role of IT. Supply Chain Management: an International Journal. 19(2):200-210. Available from: 10.1108/SCM-08-2013-0298

Buijs P, Vis IFA, Carlo HJ. (2014) Synchronization in cross-docking networks: A research classification and framework. European Journal of Operational Research. 239(3):593-608. Available from: 10.1016/j.ejor.2014.03.012

Bulmus SC, Zhu SX, Teunter R. (2014) Competition for cores in remanufacturing. European Journal of Operational Research. 233(1):105-113. Available from: 10.1016/j.ejor.2013.08.025

Caner Bulmus S, Zhu SX, Teunter RH. (2014) Optimal core acquisition and pricing strategies for hybrid manufacturing and remanufacturing systems. International Journal of Production Research. 52(22):6627-6641. Available from: 10.1080/00207543.2014.906073

Carlo HJ, Vis IFA, Roodbergen KJ. (2014) Storage yard operations in container terminals: Literature overview, trends, and research directions. European Journal of Operational Research. 235(2):412-430. Available from: 10.1016/j.ejor.2013.10.054

Carlo HJ, Vis IFA, Roodbergen KJ. (2014) Transport operations in container terminals: Literature overview, trends, research directions and classification scheme. European Journal of Operational Research. 236(1):1-13. Available from: 10.1016/j.ejor.2013.11.023

de Blok C, Meijboom B, Luijkx K, Schols J, Schroeder R. (2014) Interfaces in service modularity: A typology developed in modular health care provision. Journal of Operations Management. 32(4):175-189.

Eissens-van der Laan M, van Offenbeek M, Broekhuis M, Slaets J. (2014) A person-centred segmentation study in elderly care: Towards efficient demand-driven care. Social Science & Medicine. 113:68-76. Available from: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.05.012

Fernandes NO, Land MJ, do Carmo Silva S. (2014) Workload control in unbalanced job shops. International Journal of Production Research. 52(3):679-690.

Lahr MMH, Vroomen PCAJ, Luijckx GJ, van der Zee DJ, de Vos RAI, Buskens E. (2014) Pre-hospital factors determining regional variation in thrombolytic therapy in acute ischemic stroke. International Journal of Stroke. 9:31-35.

Land MJ, Thurer M, Stevenson M. (2014) Integrating load-based order release and priority dispatching. International Journal of Production Research. 52(4):1059-1073.

Meyer GG, Buijs P, Szirbik NB, Wortmann JC. (2014) Intelligent products for enhancing the utilization of tracking technology in transportation. International Journal of Operations & Production Management. 34(4):422-446. Available from: 10.1108/IJOPM-11-2012-0530

Pulles NJ, Veldman J, Schiele H. (2014) Identifying innovative suppliers in business networks: An empirical study. Industrial Marketing Management. 43(3):409-418. Available from: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2013.12.009

Scholten K, Sharkey Scott P, Fynes B. (2014) Mitigation Processes – Antecedents for Building supply chain resilience. Supply Chain Management: an International Journal. 19(2):211-218.

Singh PJ, Power D. (2014) Innovative knowledge sharing, supply chain integration and firm performance of Australian manufacturing firms. International Journal of Production Research. 2;52(21):6416-6433. Available from: 10.1080/00207543.2013.859760

Thurer M, Land MJ, Stevenson M. (2014) Card-based workload control for job shops: Improving COBACABANA. International Journal of Production Economics. 147:180 - 188.

Thurer M, Stevenson M, Silva C, Land MJ, Fredendall LD, Melnyk SA. (2014) Lean control for make-to-order companies: Integrating customer enquiry management and order release. Production and Operations Management. 23(3):463-476. Available from: 10.1111/poms.12058

Ursavas E (2014). A decision support system for quayside operations in a container terminal. Decision Support Systems. 18;59:312-324. Available from, DOI: 10.1016/j.dss.2014.01.003

van Beest NRTP, Kaldeli E, Bulanov R, Wortmann JC, Lazovik A. (2014) Automated runtime repair of business processes. Information Systems. 39:45-79. Available from: 10.1016/

van Foreest N, Wijngaard J. (2014) On optimal policies for production-inventory systems with compound Poisson demand and setup costs. Mathematics of operations research. 39(2):517 - 532. Available from:

Veldman J, Gaalman G. (2014) A model of strategic product quality and process improvement incentives. International Journal of Production Economics. 149:202-210. Available from: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2013.03.002

Veldman J, Klingenberg W, Gaalman GJC, Teunter RH. (2014) Getting What You Pay For-Strategic Process Improvement Compensation and Profitability Impact. Production and Operations Management. 23(8):1387-1400. Available from: 10.1111/poms.12207

Wu M, Zhu SX, Teunter RH. (2014) A risk-averse competitive newsvendor problem under the CVaR criterion. International Journal of Production Economics. 156:13-23. Available from: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2014.05.009

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