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Dekkers,B.G., Bos,I.S., Gosens,R., Halayko,A.J., Zaagsma,J., and Meurs,H. (2010). The Integrin-blocking Peptide RGDS Inhibits Airway Smooth Muscle Remodeling in a Guinea Pig Model of Allergic Asthma. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med., 181: 556-565.

Dekkers,B.G., Bos,I.S., Halayko,A.J., Zaagsma,J., and Meurs,H. (2010). The laminin beta1-competing peptide YIGSR induces a hypercontractile, hypoproliferative airway smooth muscle phenotype in an animal model of allergic asthma. Respir. Res. 11, 170.

Gosens,R., Baarsma,H.A., Heijink,I.H., Oenema,T.A., Halayko,A.J., Meurs,H., and Schmidt,M. (2010). De novo synthesis of {beta}-catenin via H-Ras and MEK regulates airway smooth muscle growth. FASEB J., 24: 757-768.

Grandoch,M., Roscioni,S.S., and Schmidt,M. (2010). The role of Epac proteins, novel cAMP mediators, in the regulation of immune, lung and neuronal function. Br. J. Pharmacol., 159: 265-284.

Hendrawati,O., Woerdenbag,H.J., Hille,J., Kayser,O. (2010). Metabolic engineering strategies for the optimization of midicinal and aromatic plants: realities and expectations. J. Med. Spice Plants, 15: 11-126.

Jansen,S.R., Van Ziel,A.M., Baarsma,H.A., Gosens,R. (2010). beta-Catenin regulates airway smooth muscle contraction. Am. J. Physiol.-Lung Cell. Mol. Physiol., 299: L204-L214.

Noord,J.A. van, Aumann,J.L., Janssens,E., Smeets,J.J., Zaagsma,J., Mueller,A., and Cornelissen,P.J. (2010). Combining tiotropium and salmeterol in COPD: Effects on airflow obstruction and symptoms. Respir. Med., 104: 995-1004.

North,M.L., Meurs,H., Zaagsma,J., Scott,J.A., and Maarsingh,H. (2010). Arginase in asthma - recent developments in animal and human studies. Nitric Oxide, 2: 20-36.

Oenema,T.A., Kolahian,S., Nanninga,J.E., Rieks,D., Hiemstra,P.S., Zuyderduyn,S., Halayko,A.J., Meurs,H., and Gosens,R. (2010). Pro-inflammatory mechanisms of muscarinic receptor stimulation in airway smooth muscle. Respir. Res. 11, 130.

Ostroveanu,A., van der Zee,E.A., Eisel,U.L., Schmidt,M., and Nijholt,I.M. (2010). Exchange protein activated by cyclic AMP 2 (Epac2) plays a specific and time-limited role in memory retrieval. Hippocampus, 20: 1018-1026.

Pera, T., Gosens,R., Lesterhuis,A.H., Sami,R., Toorn,M., Zaagsma,J., and Meurs,H. (2010). Cigarette smoke and lipopolysaccharide induce a proliferative airway smooth muscle phenotype. Respir. Res., 11: 48.

Qureshi,M.K., Radeva,V., Genkov,T., Minkov,I., Hille,J., Gechev,T.S. (2010). Isolation and characterization of Arabidopsis mutants with enhanced tolerance to oxidative stress. Acta Physiol. Plant., DOI 10.1007/s11738-010-0556-0.

Roscioni,S.S., Maarsingh,H., Elzinga, C.R., Schuur,J., Mensen,M., Halayko,A.J., Meurs,H., Schmidt,M. (2010). Epac as a novel effector of airway smooth muscle ralaxation. J. Cell Mol. Med., (Epub ahead of print).

Sand,C., Grandoch, M., Börgermann,C., Oude Weernink,P.A., Mahlke,Y., Schwindenhammer,B., Weber,A.A., Fischer, J.W., and Schmidt,M. (2010). 8-pCPT-conjugated cyclic AMP analogs exert thromboxane receptor antagonistic properties. Thromb. Haemost. 103(3):662-78.

Shirzadian-Khorramabad,R., Jing,H.C., Everts,G.E., Schippers,J.H., Hille,J., and Dijkwel,P.P. (2010). A mutation in the cytosolic O-acetylserine (thiol) lyase induces a genome-dependent early leaf death phenotype in Arabidopsis. BMC Plant Biology, 10: 80.

Sujeeth,N., Deepak,S., Shailasree,S., Kini,R.K., Shetty,S.H., Hille,J. (2010). Hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins accumulate in pearl millet after seed treatment with elicitors of defense responses against Sclerospora graminicola. Physiol. Mol. Plant Path., 74: 230-237.

Vonk J.M., Postma D.S., Maarsingh,H., Bruinenberg,M., Koppelman,G.H., and Meurs,H. (2010). Arginase 1 and 2 variations associate with asthma, asthma severity and beta2 agonist and steroid response. Pharmacogenet. Genomics, 20(3): 179-86.

National publication:

Maarsingh, H. (2010) Arginaseremmers bieden perspectief. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, april.

Chapter in book:

Lanfermeijer,F.C., Rasul,I., and Hille,J. (2010). Isolation and application of natural plant resistance genes. In Principles and Practice of Advanced Technology in Plant Virology, Aiming Wang, ed. Research Signpost. ISBN 978-81-308-0395-1.  


Dekkers, B.G.J. Major role of the extracellular matrix in airway smooth muscle phenotype plasticity: Implications for chronic asthma. Promotores: Meurs, H., Zaagsma, J. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. 25 juni, 2010. 220 pp. ISBN: 978-90-367-4423-2.

Roscioni, S.S. Epac as a novel regulator of airway smooth muscle phenotype and function. Potential implications in asthma and COPD. Promotores: Schmidt,  M., Meurs, H. Copromotor: Maarsingh, H. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. 17 december 2010. 254 pp.

Sujeeth, N. Induction, isolation and characterization of a hydroxyproline rich glycopretein in pearl millet for protection against downy milden disease. Promotor: Hille, J. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. 26 maart, 2010. 144 pp. ISBN: 978-90-367-4277-1.

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