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About us Faculty of Science and Engineering Our Research GRIP Molecular Pharmacology Publications



An, S.S., Bai, T.R., Bates, J.H.T., Black, J.L., Brown, R.H., Brusasco, V., Chitano, P., Deng, L., Dowell, M., Eidelman, D.H., Fabry, B., Fairbank, N.J. Ford, L.E., Fredberg, J.J., Gerthoffer, W.T., Gilbert, S.H., Gosens, R., Gunst, S.J., Halayko, A.J. Ingram, R.H., Irvin, C.G., James, A.L., Janssen, L.J., King, G.G., Knight, D.A., Lauzon, A.M., Lakser, O.J., Ludwig, M.S., Lutchen, K.R., Maksym, G.N., Martin, J.G., Mauad, T., McParland, B.E., Mijailovich, S.M., Mitchel, H.W., Mitchell, R.W., Mitzner, W., Murphy, T.M., Pare, P.D., Pellegrino, R., Sanderson, M.J., Schellenberg, R.R., Deow, C.Y., Silveira, P.S.P., Smith, P.G., Solway, J., Stephens, N.L., Sterk, P.J., Stewart, A.G., Tang, D.D., Tepper, R.S., Tran, T., Wang, L. Airway smooth muscle dynamics: a common pathway of airway obstruction in asthma. Eur.Resp.J., 29: 834-860.

Bos, I.S.T., Gosens, R., Zuidhof, A.B., Schaafsma, D., Halayko, A.J., Meurs, H., Zaagsma, J. Inhibition of allergen-induced airway remodelling by tiotropium and budesonide: a comparison. Eur.Resp.J., 30: 653-661.

Dekkers, B.G.J., Schaafsma, D., Nelemans, S.A., Zaagsma, J., Meurs, H. Extracellular matrix proteins differentially regulate airway smooth mucle phenotype and function. Am.J.Physiol. Lung Cell Mol.Physiol., 292: L1405-L1413.

Gkoumassi, E., Dekkers, B.G., Dröge, M.J., Elzinga, C.R., Schmidt, M., Meurs, H., Zaagsma, J., Nelemans, S.A. Virodhamine and CP55,940 modulate cAMP production and IL-8 release in human bronchial epithelial cells. Br.J.Pharmacol., 151: 1041-1048.

Gosens, R., Dueck, G., Gerthoffer, W., Unruh, H., Zaagsma, J., Meurs, H., Halayko, A. p42/p44 MAP kinase activation is localized to caveolae-free membrane domains in airway smooth muscle. Am.J.Physiol.Lung Cell Mol.Physiol., 292: L1163-L1172.

Gosens, R., Stelmack, G.J., Dueck, G., Mutawe, M.M., Hinton, M.A., McNeill, K.D., Paulson, A., Dakshinamurti, S., Gerthoffer, W.T., Unruh, H., Zaagsma, J., Halayko, A.J. Caveolae facilitate muscarinic receptor mediated intracellular Ca2+ mobilization and contraction in airway smooth muscle. Am.J.Physiol. Lung Cell Mol.Physiol. In Press.

Gosens, R., Dueck, G., Rector, E., Nunes, R.O., Gerthoffer, W.T., Unruh, H., Zaagsma, J, Meurs, H, Halayko, A.J. Cooperative regulation of GSK-3 by muscarinic and PDGF receptors is associated with airway myocyte proliferation. Am.J.Physiol. Lung Cell. Mol.Physiol., 293: L1348-L1358.

Schaafsma, D., Gosens, R., Ris, J.M., Zaagsma, J., Meurs, H., Nelemans, S.A. Insulin induces airway smooth muscle contraction. Br.J.Pharmacol., 105: 136-142.

Schaafsma, D., McNeill, K.D., Stelmack, G.L., Gosens, R., Baarsma, H.A., Dekkers, B.G.J., Frohwerk, E., Penninks, J.M., Sharma, P., Ens, K.M., Nelemans, S.A., Zaagsma, J., Halayko, A.J., Meurs, H. Insulin increases the expression of contractile phenotypic markers in airway smooth muscle. Am.J.Physiol. Cell Physiol., 293: C429-C439.

Schmidt, M., Sand, C., Jakobs, K.H., Michel, M.C., Oude Weernink, P.A. Epac and the cardiovascular system. Curr.Opin.Pharmacol., 7: 193-200.

Tran, T., Gosens, R., Halayko, A.J. Effects of extracellilar matrix and integrin interactions on airway smooth mucle phenotype and function: it takes two to tango! Current Respir.Med.Rev., 3: 193-205.

National Publications:

Zaagsma, J., Acetylcholine, muscarinereceptoren en luchtwegremodelling. Pulmo-Didact, 10(1): 3-9.

Dekhuijzen, P.N.R., Molen van der, T., Zaagsma, J. Ciclesonide, een inhalatiecorticisteroïde met een verbeterde therapeutische index. Modern Medicine, 31(2): 73-76.


Gkoumassi, E. (Endo)cannabinoid signaling in human bronchial epithelial and smooth muscle cells. Promotores: Zaagsma, J., Schmidt, M. Copromotor: Nelemans, S.A. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. 21 december, 2007. 142 pp. ISBN: 978-90-367-3244-4.

Schaafsma, D.  Central role of Rho-kinase in the pathophysiology of allergic astma. Promotores: Zaagsma, J., Meurs, H. Copromotor: Nelemans, S.A. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. 2 februari, 2007. 211 pp. ISBN:90-367-2923-8.

Thesis extern:

Hennenberg, M. Dysregulation of vascular contractile signaling in liver cirrhosis: Rho-kinase as molecular basis for portal hypertension. Promotores: Zaagsma, J., Sauerbruch, T. Copromotores: Schmidt, M., Heller, J. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. 21 september, 2007. 200 pp. ISBN: 978-90-367-3125-6.

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