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Research Medicinal Chemistry, Photopharmacology and Imaging

People - contact

From left to right: Desanka Stoppels, Jolanda Meindertsma, Robin van der Straat, Rosa Marquez Garcia, Wiktor Szymanski, Melody Boëtius, Lars Vellinga, Quentin Vivien, Jeroen Cleophas
From left to right: Desanka Stoppels, Jolanda Meindertsma, Robin van der Straat, Rosa Marquez Garcia, Wiktor Szymanski, Melody Boëtius, Lars Vellinga, Quentin Vivien, Jeroen Cleophas

If you are interested in the research of the Medicinal Chemistry, Photopharmacology and Imaging, and wish to receive further information please contact us:

Head of the research group:

Prof. dr. Wiktor Szymanski
University of Groningen
Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy
Antonius Deusinglaan 1
Postbus 196, XB20
9700 AD Groningen
The Netherlands

Phone: (+31)-50-3633307
E-mail: w.c.szymanski(at)


Jolanda Meindertsma
University of Groningen    
Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy
Antonius Deusinglaan 1
Postbus 196, XB20
9700 AD Groningen
The Netherlands

Room: 3211-270
Phone: (+31)-50-3633336
E-mail: secabfa(at)

Meindertsma, J.+31 50 36 33336management assistant
Straat, ing. R. van der+31 50 36 33306
Szymanski, prof. dr. W.C.+31 50 36 33296Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, Photopharmacology and Imaging
Vivien, Q.G., MSc
Last modified:11 October 2023 3.24 p.m.