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Research Medicinal Chemistry, Photopharmacology and Imaging

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Group photo Medicinal Chemistry, Photopharmacology and Imaging
Back row, from left-to-right: Xander van Es, Ilias Patmanidis, Albert Schulte, Wiktor Szymanski, Quentin Vivien, Robin van der Straat, Eneja Paradiz, Jolanda Meindertsma, Delano Keizer
Front row, from left-to-right: Simon Hermann, Gülbahar Bozan, Melody Boëtius, Rosa Marquez-Garcia, Maria Perraki, Rossana Catapano, Annemarie Doze

If you are interested in the research of the Medicinal Chemistry, Photopharmacology and Imaging, and wish to receive further information please contact us:

Head of the research group:

Prof. dr. Wiktor Szymanski
University of Groningen
Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy
Antonius Deusinglaan 1
Postbus 196, XB20
9700 AD Groningen
The Netherlands

Room: 3211-470
Phone: (+31)-50-3633307
E-mail: w.c.szymanski(at)


Jolanda Meindertsma
University of Groningen    
Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy
Antonius Deusinglaan 1
Postbus 196, XB20
9700 AD Groningen
The Netherlands

Room: 3211-270
Phone: (+31)-50-3633336
E-mail: secabfa(at)

Amatdjoerat, S.S.
Bozan, G.
Keizer, D.
Marinus, S.
Meindertsma, J.+31 50 36 33336management assistant
Patmanidis, I., MSc
Straat, ing. R. van der+31 50 36 33306
Szymanski, prof. dr. W.C.+31 50 36 33296Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, Photopharmacology and Imaging
Vivien, Q.G., MSc
Last modified:07 October 2024 10.27 a.m.