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Research Groninger Expertisecentrum Taal- en Communicatiestoornissen Center for Dyslexia and Dyscalculia (CDD)

Study tips

With dyslexia, it can sometimes be difficult to study efficiently, as reading lecture material can take more time. The following tips might be helpful for you when studying:

  • Use text-to-speech software. This software reads digital texts aloud, which can help you to read faster. In addition, auditory input in addition to visual input can help you to remember the material better. 

  • For written assignments, make sure that you use a spelling check. This will prevent a lot of spelling errors. You can also ask someone to read your essay. This person can indicate when something needs to be explained better or they can correct certain spelling errors. 

  • Make a planning. Try to make a plan at the beginning of each week. Plan fixed moments during the day where you will study. Make sure that you also schedule rest periods and that you schedule enough time for any delay. 

  • Provide a pleasant workspace. Try to keep your studies separated from your private life. If you find it difficult to concentrate well at home, it can help to study outside from your home, for example in the University Library or at the Forum. When you are surrounded by other people who are studying, it can make you more motivated to study as well. 

  • During lectures, try to only take notes of the material the lecturer discusses that is not on the slides. The slides are often put online after the lecture, so you can add this information to your notes afterwards when necessary. 

happy student using laptop

Keep in mind that everyone has their own preferences for studying effectively. It also takes time to get used to new habits, so try to give a new study method a chance. 

Useful literature

Interesting websites: 

Interesting literature:

Last modified:05 June 2024 09.32 a.m.
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