Application Procedure 2024
In order to apply, please first fill in the application form (Closed):
You will be asked to submit a CV and a motivation letter stating:
• Why you would like to join the Summer School Global Health
• Why you are interested in global health
• How your participation in the SSGH relates to your future goals
• What you expect to gain from this experience
If you would like to be taken into account for one of the financial aid options, please send us an email providing us with details regarding:
• your financial need
• your academic performance and involvement
• any other details you find relevant for assessing your qualification
After you sent your application, the procedure will look as followed:
1. Your CV and letter of motivation will be reviewed by the admission committee.
2. Participants that are pre-emptively excluded based on qualifications are mailed first.
3. Participants taken into consideration will receive an invitation to an interview with our admission committee. The interview will take somewhere around 20 minutes and will be held online.
4. Admission mails will be sent out within 4 weeks after the application deadline.
Cancellation Policy
- Participants who cancel more than 4 weeks before the start of the course are liable to pay 0% of the full course fee, unless the Summer School in question decides otherwise.
- Participants who withdraw during the course or 2 weeks before the start (or sooner) are liable to pay 60% of the full course fee, unless the Summer School in question decides otherwise.
If you have questions about the application procedure or about the Summer School, you can always send us an email at summerschoolglobalhealth@rug.nl
Last modified: | 25 April 2024 09.18 a.m. |