Groninger AGIKO PhD programme for (D)MDs
In exceptional cases, recently graduated MDs who are doing their specialist training under the supervision of a UMCG trainer (opleider), can combine their AIOS training with a PhD training in the Groninger AGIKO programme (Assistent-geneeskundige in opleiding tot klinisch onderzoeker). These trajectories can be integrated with the specialist training or take place in an alternating fashion.
For whom?
The Groninger AGIKO programme aims at extremely talented, recently RuG graduated (D)MDs who want to pursue a career in science in addition to their clinical profession, but who due to circumstances have not had the possibility to enroll in the UMCG (D)MD/PhD programme. Further, there must be tangible evidence for their intention to become a clinician-scientist in an innovative research field. In addition, they will soon start their training to medical specialist in the UMCG under the supervision of a UMCG trainer (opleider), or have started less than two years ago.
What does the AGIKO trajectory consist of?
A Groninger AGIKO trajectory consists of a combination of the AIOS programme with an additional period of two years of medical scientific research. At least one of these two years is financed by the department, and one year by the Groninger AGIKO programme. The “free year” that is available in most specialist training programmes, must contribute to the realization of the PhD thesis. A bench fee is made available by the UMCG once. In case the budget exceeds this amount, it is expected that additional funding is covered by the department.
A Groninger AGIKO trajectory can be tailored to the specific needs of the AGIKO and the department and is therefore highly flexible in terms of how research time is distributed. For recently graduated RuG dentists, in certain cases it is also possible to start a AGIKO trajectory.
When can applications for Groninger AGIKO be submitted?
Applications can be submitted twice per year and are similar to the submission deadlines for the regular (D)MD/PhD programme.
Upcoming submission deadlines are:
May 6th 2025, at noon
November 3rd 2025, at noon
Profile of the candidate
Recently graduated RuG (D)MD
Will soon start, or has started within two years ago, with the training to medical specialist (AIOS) in the UMCG under the supervision of a UMCG trainer (opleider).
Extremely talented researcher, tangible evidence for this academic talent.
Together with the department, financial funding for at least one of the research years must be available at the time of application. Evidence supporting this must be included in the application.
Clinical training outside the UMCG or region must be a part of the specialist training programme.
Specialist training must be planned within, or under the final supervision, of a UMCG specialism.
Prior to the final awarding of a Groninger AGIKO trajectory, an (adapted) specialist training programme approved by the trainer (opleider) and the RGS (registratiecommissie geneeskundig specialisten) needs to be submitted to the GSMS (Graduate School of Medical Sciences).
The PhD research must be embedded within one of the UMCG research institutes and the first promotor is a UMCG staff member.
At the time of application, the candidate also needs to propose a mentor who together with the candidate guarantees that the AGIKO programme will be carried out as outlined in the proposal and to high academic standards. The mentor must be a staff member of the same department of the candidate, but is not the promotor. The trainer (opleider) must approve the choice of the mentor.
The mentor has regular meetings with the candidate that take place at least every month, depending on the research activities. Two times per year, the mentor, candidate, promotor and trainer (opleider) have a meeting to discuss the progress of the AGIKO trajectory. In addition to providing support for the candidate’s research activities, the mentor can also mediate in case of conflicts and provide advise on career perspectives. Issues that cannot be resolved internally, must be reported to the GSMS as soon as possible via the coordinator of the (D)MD/PhD and Groniger AGIKO programmes, dr. Sophia Bruggeman via gsms@umcg.nl.
Application procedure
Applications can be submitted two times per year. The same deadlines as for submitting regular (D)MD/PhD applications apply (see above). For the application, the application form Groninger AGIKO must be used. Because the Groninger AGIKO programme provides personal funding, obviously it is a requirement that the application is self-written by the applicant. Further, it must be written in English and include the following items:
Letter of application, including a curriculum vitae and a list of publications (published articles, as well as articles in press and submitted are accepted), addressed to the coordinator of the Groninger AGIKO programme.
Detailed research plan.
At least one single-first author manuscript that is published in or submitted to an international, peer-reviewed scientific journal and that will become a chapter in the PhD thesis. In case of a submitted article, proof of submission must be included.
Specified budget of the research costs.
Proof of the availability of financial funding at the research department for at least one of the research years.
Approved specialist training programme. The first year of the specialist training must be spent fulltime on clinical training, to allow the trainer (opleider) to determine if the candidate has the qualities to become a medical specialist.
In case the applicant does not have any training experience outside the UMCG, it is recommended that part of the Groninger AGIKO trajectory is carried out elsewhere. Preferably, this is in the form of a research internship abroad.
The “free year” that is available in most specialist training programmes, must contribute to the realization of the PhD thesis.
In case of a training period abroad, a specified letter of acceptance from the institute that will be visited must be included.
Letter of motivation and CV with list of publications from the mentor (note that the promotor cannot also be the mentor).
Letter of receommendation from the trainer (opleider).
Complete applications must be combined into a single PDF and submitted electronically. They should be addressed to Ms. Arma Hartman via gsms umcg.nl. Incomplete applications will be rejected immediately.
Confirmation that the application has been received and is being processed will be sent to the applicant via email.
Selection procedure
Applications for the Groninger AGIKO programme are only awarded under exceptional circumstances. They are assessed by an independent selection committee. Based on the assessment of the written applications and the interview with the candidate, the committee will advise the pro-dean of research, the directors of the UMCG research institutes and the director of the GSMS, who will make the final decision on the Groninger AGIKO application. A candidate may only submit a Groninger AGIKO application twice.
Last modified: | 11 December 2024 09.32 a.m. |