Mandema stipend
The UMCG Mandema stipend (UMCG Mandema stipendium) supports talented, UMCG-supervised AIOS or dentists to perform postdoctoral research during their medical specialist training.
The aim is to stimulate research-minded doctors or dentists to develop their own research line, which will allow them to become independent clinician-scientists in the future. Mandema stipend candidates hold a PhD and have both the ambition and quality to become a leading scientist-clinician in one of the university medical centers, preferably the UMCG.
Awarding of a Mandema stipend is not restricted to a specific field of medicine or dentistry. Applications from all disciplines within the UMCG are welcome.
Please note that from 2024 onwards, there will only be one Mandema stipend call per year (in spring).
The next deadlines for submitting a Mandema stipend application is on:
March 31, 2025, at 12:00 noon
What is offered by the Mandema stipend?
The Mandema stipend offers personal funding in the form of a lumpsum of €90.000,-. At least €45.000,- of this lumpsum must be spent on costs related to support of the research project (for example, reagents and equipment, software, international research visits, but also salary costs of supporting personnel). This means that a maximum of €45.000,- can be used for the salary of the awardee towards obtaining extra research time.
In addition, the GSMS organizes Mandema peer group meetings that support Mandema researchers in further developing their professional career.
Eligibility criteria
The medical specialist training is highly demanding. To combine the clinical training years with setting up an own research line is challenging and therefore suitable to very talented and ambitious (D)MD/PhDs. All requirements listed below that should be fulfilled by the candidate, fit into the profile of a future academic medical specialist, i.e an excellent clinical specialist and an excellent scientist.
The Mandema candidate:
Is a graduated doctor (MD) or dentist (DMD).
Has been recently awarded with a PhD in the medical or dental sciences.
Starts with or is active in a (RGS accredited) specialist training programme under the supervision of a trainer (opleider) working in the UMCG. If already started, at least 2,5 years of medical specialist training are still open.
A major part of the specialist training programme consists of clinical duties.
Is a promising researcher as evidenced by publications in high-ranking international peer-reviewed journals.
Can write and submit grants. Preferably, the candidate has (tried to) obtain(ed) funding with the department. A copy of the grant proposal(s) should be enclosed with the registration form.
Preferably has 6 months (or more) research experience or clinical training abroad. If the candidate lacks international experience, a research or clinical training period of 6-12 months abroad should be included into the specialist or research training programme.
Is active in a field of research that is embedded in one of the approved programmes of the research institutes of the UMCG.
Is considered by the head of the (clinical) department as a future staff member in that department.
If you want to hear more about the programme from a recent Mandema laureate, please follow this link.
Application procedure
Applications must be written in English and should include the following items:
Letter of application, including a CV with a list of scientific publications (only those that are published or ‘in press’), awards, etc.
Completed application form, including a:
Description of the intended research and research plan. The equivalent of approximately one day per week during the entirety of the specialist training must be spent on research. Also, a view on the anticipated future line of research of the candidate must be included.
Detailed description of the budget*, defining the required resources and spendings. Costs that can be reimbursed from the Mandema stipend are:
- salary costs of support staff or other (scientific) employees.
- travel expenses, e.g. for visiting conferences and/or research institutes
- costs for training abroad
- consumables, small equipment, etc.
- own salary costs, up to a maximum of €45.000,-
Supporting documents (copies) of application(s) for (additional) funding for the proposed research project.
A specified specialist and research training programme.
Please note that before the Mandema stipend is definitively awarded, a specialist training programme approved by the trainer (opleider) and the Registratiecommissie Geneeskundig Specialismen (RGS) must be obtained. During the first year of this programme, candidates must commit themselves fulltime to the specialist training programme in order to give the trainer (opleider) the opportunity to evaluate the candidate’s ability to become a good medical specialist. Also, if the candidate lacks clinical experience outside the UMCG or the region, it is advised to include this aspect into the specialist training programme, preferably as a (research) stay abroad. If training abroad is included in the programme: a commitment letter of the visiting institute(s) should be provided. The programme of the “free year” (available in most specialist training programmes) should contribute to the aims of the Mandema stipend. -
A letter of recommendation from the trainer (opleider).
A letter in which the head of the department states that the candidate is eligible for a future staff position in their department.
A letter in which the candidate declares that he/she is sincerely committed to stay in the UMCG for a period of at least five years after the end of his/her specialist training programme.
* The budget is only for up to €45.000,- meant for salary costs of the candidate. The department is expected to take responsibility in the remaining costs that regards as proof of commitment.
Applications must be combined into a single PDF and submitted electronically. They should be addressed to Ms. Arma Hartman via gsms umcg.nl.
Selection procedure
Applications are evaluated by an independent assessment committee, the Mandema selection committee, made up of the chair of the Centrale Opleidingscommissie (COC), Prof. dr. Jaap Tulleken, the pro-dean of research, two clinical professors/trainers (opleiders) and one professor/fundamental researcher, all residing in the UMCG. The committee will be supported by two external advisers, specialists in the field of the application, and the scientific director of the Graduate School of Medical Sciences.
An interview with the Mandema Committee is part of the selection procedure. During the interview, the candidate has to illustrate and summarize the goals and proposed methodology of the application (via a short presentation) and to answer questions. Prior to this interview, the candidate will get the opportunity to write a rebuttal to the questions or comments raised by the external reviewers.
The aim is to complete the selection procedure within 2-3 months. When an application is awarded, the Mandema recipient and trainer (opleider) will propose a mentor (a senior clinician-scientist), who has affinity with the topic of the research proposal and specialist training, but preferably is not working in the department of the applicant and trainer (opleider). After approval of the Mandema Committee, the recipient can rely on the mentor’s opinion on all matters related to the specialist training and research work carried out during the programme period. Once every three months, the mentor has a meeting with the recipient and once every six months the mentor has a meeting with both the recipient and the trainer (opleider). The mentor can mediate in conflicts, and advise in case of conflicting interests.
Unsolvable disputes are referred to the chair of the Mandema Committee.
Every year, the Mandema recipient must submit a (short) report to the Mandema Committee, approved by the trainer (opleider) and mentor, in which the progress of both the specialist training as well as the research project is detailed. The recipient is also obliged to send the Mandema Committee a final research report within three months of the end of the programme. By accepting a Mandema stipend, the recipient accepts the provisions, as well as the terms and conditions as specified by the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) with regard to the Mandema stipend.
Candidates who apply for a stipend, but who are not awarded, will get a personal explanation by one of the members of the committee. Candidates will be allowed to resubmit a revised application once.
Last modified: | 19 November 2024 08.19 a.m. |