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Research Graduate School for the Humanities PhD programme

Artistic PhD


In 2009 NWO published the white paper “Promoveren in de kunsten”. Since then, several universities and art academies in the Netherlands have launched PhD programmes in which artistic output forms a part of the PhD. The Groningen Artistic PhD programme emerges from the close ties between University of Groningen and Hanze University of Applied Sciences and was inaugurated in January 2020, when both institutions signed a formal agreement.

At UG, the Artistic PhD is embedded in the Graduate School of Humanities and at Hanze University of Applied Sciences in the Research Centre Art & Society. Since September 2020, the University of Groningen also partners with the bi-national artistic PhD programme of University of Arts Bremen (UAB).


The Artistic PhD programme Groningen fosters artistic research practices that reflect on, engage with, and find innovative and different solutions to contemporary societal challenges such as climate change and species diversity, education and digitalisation, globalisation, and public health. It aims at making insights from artistic and art-based research available to a wider public and opens traditional academic paradigms up to the potential of artistic and art-based research. All art disciplines (literature, visual arts, design, media, theatre, film, architecture, etc.) can participate, pending the availability of supervisors with jus promovendi and relevant expertise. Since literature is considered among the art disciplines, a PhD in creative writing is subsumed under the Artistic PhD. In sum, the Groningen Artistic PhD programme combines excellent artistic work with rigorous academic research and fosters strategies and methods that contribute to reflection, innovation, and change in society. 


Potential candidates can demonstrate an established artistic practice, preferably through a degree at an art academy or conservatory (alternatively through exhibitions, prizes, publications, etc) as well as proficiency in academic research practices. Applications follow the same trajectory as regular PhD external or sandwich candidates, with the addition of an artistic portfolio. The research proposal should clearly state the relation between the artistic elements and the research practices in the project.

If you want to apply for an Artistic PhD, please contact: Prof. dr. A. Lehmann, a.s.lehmann For preliminary training in artistic research, please contact dr. Anke Coumans, a.c.m.coumans

Last modified:18 July 2024 10.03 a.m.