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About us FEB Research Graduate School of Economics and Business Research master

Courses for external students

Graduate courses 2024/2025

The following courses in research methods are open for candidates from other Research Master and PhD programmes. All courses are 5 ECTS and are taught modular (in principle three sessions of 1,5 day). The language of instruction is English.

To register for these courses please download and fill in the registration form, which should be returned to management assistant Astrid Beerta.  Please note that these courses are targeted at doctoral candidates (PhD level or Research Master level) and have entry requirements or limitation in enrolment.

The graduate school charges external participants a fee of € 1,000 per 5 ECTS course.
For PhD candidates of the University of Groningen the fee is € 250 for 5 ECTS course.

The specialized courses per profile may also be open for candidates from other programmes. On overview of these courses can be found in the course database.

Course name



Course code/ Detailed info

Multivariate Data Analysis

Prof. Tammo Bijmolt

5 and 6 September
12 and 13 September
19 September
26 and 27 September
3 and 4 October
11 October
17 and 18 October
24 and 25 October


Experimental Research Design

Dr. Marijke Leliveld

21 and 22 November
5 and 6 December
9 and 10 January
17 January


Survey Research

Dr. Thom de Vries

7 February
21 February
7 March
21 March


Case Study Research

Dr. Isabel Estrada Vaquero

22 and 23 April
20 and 21 May


Short description of courses

Multivariate Data Analysis

The course deals with topics such as: Regression Analysis; Analysis of variate roles of third variables in the linear model, Hierarchical linear models; Factor analysis and Cluster Analysis.
The methodology of these analysis methods will be explained and discussed, but not in extreme technical detail. The focus of the course is on accurate application of the methods.

Experimental Research Design

This course aims to strengthen the student's experimental research skills. Over the course of several practicals and tutorials, students will practice with all aspects of doing experimental research, like type of designs, tasks and paradigms, programming an experiment, and analyzing and reporting results.

Survey Research

This course exposes you to the basics of survey research, provides you with resources, and make you critical thinkers in the research process. By the end of this course, you should have a reasonable start toward designing and conducting a survey study through its various stages of developing a conceptual model with core constructs, identifying or developing appropriate measures, choosing a design and sample, collecting data, analyzing data, and interpreting findings. In addition you should be able to critically evaluate others’ research (at least on methodological grounds).

Case Study Research

The purpose of this course is to learn students how to conduct case study research that has the potential to be published in high-quality journals. The course consists of three modules, which each consists of 3 blocks of 3 hours. Each block will be organized as an interactive workshops in which the tutor will provide an overview of the most relevant concepts and insights. Before each module, students will be obliged to read a number of papers on the topic in order to maximize opportunities for discussion. In addition, students will be challenged to use the concepts and insights, which are discussed during the different modules, in a practical assignment.

Last modified:14 October 2024 2.58 p.m.