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Education The Faculty Graduate Schools Graduate School of Behavioural and Social Sciences Research Master

specialization|Psychometrics and Statistics

theme|Mental Health: perspectives from Neuro- and Clinical Psychology

Research themes

Students in the Psychometrics and Statistics specialization will focus on techniques for the analysis of various types of data, such as hierarchically and non-hierarchically organized data, and test and questionnaire data. The techniques of interest are: component and factor analysis techniques and their generalizations, item response theory, multilevel analysis, Bayesian statistics, and time series analyses.

Research Group

The Psychometrics and Statistics specialization is organized by the Psychometrics and Statistics expertise group, that is concerned with quantitative techniques for the analyses of empirical data.

Expertise group goals are:

  1. to provide (social science) researchers with concrete advice as to which techniques to use for particular data analysis problems. Findings are reported in specialized scientific journals and at international conferences for experts in psychometrics and statistics in general, and in scientific journals and/or books aimed at the wider audience of users of statistical and psychometric techniques.
  2. to improve, where necessary, access to particular data analysis techniques. Specifically, developing and evaluating publicly accessible computer software is an important objective.
  3. to perform fundamental, scientific research into the quantitative analysis of data in the social sciences. On the one hand, this leads to the further dissemination of results. On the other hand, it provides insight into which data analytic problems (social science) researchers are faced with, thus providing input for new research on data analytic techniques.

Multidisciplinary programme

The Research Master with specialization Psychometrics and Statistics is part of the theme Mental Health: perspectives from Neuro- and Clinical Psychology within a multidisciplinary programme.

Theme courses Mental Health: perspectives from Neuro- and Clinical Psychology (15 EC)

  • MH: a multidimensional perspective
  • MH: advanced research methods
  • Clinical interventions and e-health for adults and youth or
    Neuropsychological assessment

Specialization courses Psychometrics and Statistics (10 EC)

  • Multilevel analysis
  • Structural equation modelling
  • Statistical analysis of social networks
  • Statistical modelling of single cases

Elective courses (10 EC)

  • Evidence-based interventions
  • Experimental psychopathology
  • Research in Clinical Neuropsychology
  • Development, learning and instruction
  • Complexity, dynamics and development
  • Economy and society: Critical transitions in Advanced Industrialised Societies
  • Solidarity and social contexts
  • Researching power and leadership
  • Understanding working life: Major Theories and Research Trends in Organizational Psychology
  • Environmental psychology
  • Culture and Diversity
  • Cooperation and Communication
  • Literature study

Compulsory modules for all students (85 EC)

  • How to theorize
  • Reflecting on science and integrity
  • Multidisciplinary research in action
  • Advanced statistics
  • Applied statistics
  • Elective statistics/ methods course
  • Seminars
  • Traineeship
  • Preparing for your master's thesis: writing your proposal
  • Master’s thesis

For your Psychometrics and Statistics specialization label the topic of your traineeship and master’s thesis needs to fit into the Psychometrics and Statistics field.

Specializations in this theme:
Clinical Neuropsychology | Clinical Psychology | Psychometrics and Statistics

For questions about the MH theme contact j.p.wessel

Last modified:25 October 2024 11.10 a.m.