Research themes
In the Orthopedagogy specialization the point of departure is the individual-in-context. Contexts include the family, peers, teachers, counselors but also the educational systems, welfare organizations, society and policy. Using a transactional, developmental and system-oriented perspective students in the Orthopedagogy specialization acquire knowledge on and can engage in research related to the assessment, decision making, and support of individuals and families that face challenges in various domains (e.g., learning, sensory-motor, cognitive, behavioral, socio-emotional, parenting); both from a basic as well as applied perspective. Ultimately, the goal is to contribute to (youth) care and educational settings that deliver high-quality equitable support such that individuals feel empowered to fully develop their potential, being able to flourish and participate in society. We have strong and long-lasting collaborations with societal and clinical partners nationally and internationally, and we try to involve youth, families and practitioners in our efforts as much as possible by taking a participatory approach.
Students in the Orthopedagogy specialization can choose for a clinical science traineeship allowing them to combine their scientific ambition with working in a clinical or educational setting. If students choose for the clinical science traineeship they can acquire the clinical (NVO) registration, which puts them in an optimal position for becoming a scientist-practitioner.
Research groups
The Orthopedagogy specialization is organized by the research units Child and Family Welfare and Inclusive and Special Needs Education.
Specialization coordinator: Anna Lichtwarck-Aschoff (a.lichtwarck-aschoff rug.nl)
Multidisciplinary programme
The Research Master with specialization Orthopedagogy is part of the theme Individual Development in Social Context within a multidisciplinary programme.
Theme courses Individual Development in Social Context (15 EC)
Lifespan development
Modelling interactions and variables over time
Specialization courses Orthopedagogy (10 EC)
Development, learning and instruction
Contextualized assessments and interventions
Elective courses Orthopedagogy (10 EC)
Evidence-based interventions
Experimental psychopathology
Research in clinical neuropsychology
Complexity, dynamics and development
Culture and Diversity
Coorperation and Communication
Researching power and leadership
Understanding working life: major theories and research trends in organizational psychology
Environmental psychology
Qualitative research methods
Multilevel analysis
Structural equation modelling
Statistical analysis of social networks
Statistical modelling of single cases
Economy and society: critical transitions in advanced industrialised societies
Solidarity and social contexts
Literature study
Compulsory modules for all students (85 EC)
How to theorize
Reflecting on science and integrity
Multidisciplinary research in action
Advanced statistics
Applied statistics
Elective statistics/ methods course
Preparing for your master's thesis: writing your proposal
Master’s thesis
Specializations in this theme:
Developmental Psychology | Orthopedagogy | Pedagogical and Educational Sciences | Psychometrics and Statistics | Sociology
For questions about the IDS theme contact a.lichtwarck-aschoff rug.nl.
>Read more about the Research Master Behavioural and Social Sciences
Last modified: | 25 October 2024 10.50 a.m. |