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Education The Faculty Graduate Schools Graduate School of Behavioural and Social Sciences PhD programme


Before being admitted to the PhD programme at the Graduate School of Behavioural and Social Sciences, prospective candidates must secure funding to support themselves during their project. There are various options available for achieving this:

Funding by UG salary

Researchers may obtain funding from research organizations or industry partners to hire PhD candidates. These positions are advertised as they become available and are usually linked to specific research projects. The role will be offered to the candidate deemed best suited to execute the project. Once selected, the candidate will be employed by the University of Groningen for the duration of their project.

Funding by other scholarship (top-up)

Important note!

If you are interested in a PhD project at our faculty but your scholarship is below €1.875 per month, we regret to inform you that we cannot offer a position at this time.
Due to huge budget cuts, the future shape of the Top-Up programme for new candidates, remains uncertain. Therefore, until the first of January 2025, the Graduate School BSS will not process any applications for top-up PhD candidates. This means that until that time, no conditional letters of acceptance will be issued, and no procedures for top-up PhD candidates will be initiated.

The Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences welcomes international PhD candidates with a competitive scholarship from their home country (secured funding for a PhD project). To this end, the University will top up the scholarships to a standard net combined amount well above the requirements for immigration of individual researchers. For new candidates enrolling as of 1 September 2024, this amount is set at €1.875 per month.

The Graduate School BSS has available a restricted number of top-up places per year. Applications for positions can be submitted throughout the year and are evaluated on an individual basis. The Graduate School BSS can inform you whether places are still available if you have plans for international PhD collaboration.

Funding from employer (external PhD candidates)

An external PhD candidate is typically paid by a third party (e.g., independent research institute (e.g., TNO, Nivel), university of applied sciences (HBO), mental health organisation (GZ)).

The PhD programme for an external PhD candidate has a duration of 6 years. As a PhD project typically takes 3 years full-time work at minimum, this implies that the programme requires minimally .5 fte investment of the PhD candidates during the 6 years. The programme consists of the following four phases.

Phase 0: Exploratory meetings with potential supervisors

The candidate discusses research interests and plans with prospective (co-)promotors, to see whether a fruitful PhD project can be set up. If the supervisory team and the prospective PhD candidate agree, the prospective PhD candidate applies to the Graduate School BSS, as aspirant PhD candidate by sending an e-mail to gradschool.bss Please include the names of the promotor and (co-)promotor, the tentative title of the project, and your CV.

Phase 1: Preparation of PhD project proposal (1 year)

The aspirant PhD candidate prepares in collaboration with the (co-)promotors a PhD project proposal. The proposal includes a description of the proposed research (including the research topic and approach, time plan, motivation of feasibility, and planned output), outline of the training plan, the PhD candidate’s CV, the supervisory team, research setting, and financial details. There is a format available for the PhD project proposal. If you have good reasons for deviating from this format, please ask for an exemption and include your motivation.

The proposal needs to include a budget indicating possible research costs, conference visits, training etc. It is highly preferred that the budget is covered by external sources. If no financial support is possible at all from external sources, the department may offer reimbursement of research and education costs for the PhD project, of maximally 8kE for the full PhD project. Please submit an overview of the estimated costs per year. The requirements for receiving this reimbursement are:

  1. Approval of the PhD project by the research director of the department involved.
  2. Approval of the PhD proposal.
  3. Approval of the PhD budget.
  4. It must be convincingly motivated that no external sources are available.
  5. A proper and underpinned budget request is made in the PhD project proposal.

Reimbursement is only provided for costs actually made (i.e., no lump sum).
Further, spending the budget is bound to department regulations, in line with those for other PhD students.

The PhD project proposal, including budget can be submitted to gradschool.bss

The PhD proposal will be assessed on behalf of the Graduate School Admissions Committee. The proposal will be judged on scientific quality, research approach, and project feasibility in approach and time schedule. If the proposal is not approved, the aspirant PhD student receives one opportunity to revise and resubmit the proposal.

After the approval of the PhD proposal, the PhD candidate is admitted to the Graduate School BSS as a full member.

Phase 2: Start of the PhD project (1 year)

The PhD candidate starts with the PhD project, as formulated in the PhD proposal. The project is evaluated after 12 months in a formal go/no-go evaluation by the (co-)promotor(s), similarly to internal PhD candidate. In the evaluation the process and realised output play a role, with as planned output typically a first paper (almost) in submission. (Note that the go/no-go evaluation is at a later moment than internal PhD candidates to accommodate part-time research work).

Phase 3: Continuing and finalising the PhD project (4 years)

The PhD project will be continued resulting in the PhD thesis. Each year, an evaluation (R&D) meeting takes place, to discuss the progress and mutual collaboration in the PhD team.

Last modified:14 October 2024 2.20 p.m.