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Education The Faculty Graduate Schools Graduate School of Behavioural and Social Sciences Organization

ReMa: Applying for admission

The Research master programme of the faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences has a selection procedure. This means that the admissions committee of the Research Master BSS decides who will be admitted to the programme.

Step 1: Studielink

You can apply until the first of May for the Research Master programme through Studielink. Please follow the instructions carefully. Studielink is the central registration platform for higher education in the Netherlands.

  • Go to studielink and log in;
  • select ‘Behavioural and Social Sciences (Research Master)’.

Step 2: Provide information

Students from a non-Dutch University

You will receive an email from Admissions office. Please follow the procedure as specified in that email.

Students from a Dutch University

Please fill in the application form via the button below and upload the documents requested.

Step 3: Selection procedure

The Admissions Board will consider whether you are qualified to be admitted to the Research Master’s programme. A personal (online) interview to provide additional information about your motives and aspirations to enter the programme will be part of the procedure (held in English).

Step 4: Admission

We endeavour to send the decision of the Admissions Board within six weeks after your application is complete. There are three possibilities: accepted, conditionally accepted or rejected.


For questions on your admission, please send an email to: bss.msc.admission

For questions on the selection procedure, please send an email to: rema.bss

Last modified:14 October 2024 12.39 p.m.