Anneke Lucassen PhD, FRCP

Email: A.M.Lucassen@soton.ac.uk
Anneke Lucassen held a two-year post (2014-2016) to the Johanna H. Bijtel Chair in the Department of Genetics, UMCG, where she worked closely with Prof. Irene van Langen. Prof. Lucassen is a clinical geneticist at the Wessex Clinical Genetics Service and is also Director of the Clinical Ethics and Law Centre, University of Southampton, UK. Her inaugural lecture on "From mutation to relation - The challenges of personalised medicine in the genomic age" was given on 6th October 2014.
The ability to analyse a human genome- a person's entire genetic code- has increased in speed, and decreased in cost by about a million fold over the last 2 decades. It is now possible to routinely analyse a person's entire genetic code at a cost affordable to many health care services. This has led to much optimism about the ability to personalise approaches to health care based on the particular characteristics of a genome. Whilst much of this excitement is appropriate; there have been some fantastic examples of stratifying treatments (or of directed interventions according to genetic variants), there has also been much hype and some unrealistic expectations of what a genome result can ever expect to predict. I want to have a closer look at this area between a genome sequence and its interpretation [...]
Download pdf of the inaugural lecture; news item, more about Anneke Lucassen's work and position in Southampton
Last modified: | 05 April 2018 7.01 p.m. |