Irene van Langen, MD, PhD

MD: University of Amsterdam, 1991
Specialism: Trained as clinical geneticist at AMC, Amsterdam, 1991-1995
PhD thesis: "Clinical genetic care in diseases predisposing to sudden cardiac death", University of Amsterdam, 2005
Inaugural lecture: "De volgende generatie: stilstaan zonder snelheid te verliezen", University of Groningen, 4th March 2011. Full text (in Dutch)
See Google Scholar or PubMed for a list of papers
- 2018: UMCG preconception screening test now offered to all Dutch couples through 3 local GPs
- 2016: Massive media attention for start of preconception screening pilot study
- 2014: Preconception screening pilot more, artikel in Margriet 37(14) 2014 (in Dutch)
- Screening an asymptomatic person for genetic risk. Discussion in New England Journal of Medicine, 19 June 2014, p 2442-2445
- Nieuwe preconceptie test & een publiek debat met verslag daarvan (in Dutch)
- Auteur van Cahier 'Genen en gezondheid', Stichting Biowetenschappen en Maatschappij, Den Haag, meer info + download pdf
- 2013: AIOS worden in het UMCG, Irene van Langen vertelt over haar role als opleider (in Dutch)
Research projects
Ethical, Legal and Social Issues in Genetics (ELSI)
“I am always on the alert for social and technical developments that fall within the scope of ELSI. I discuss these with researchers and medical staff. It is important that they all ask the right questions and work together in order to learn how to take these techniques a step further and to apply them well in practice. I also aim to contribute to prevention: by tracing the likely carriers of hereditary diseases, we can help them get the right therapy or give them information on how to lead a healthier life.”
See more on ELSI projects, including the PCS pilot study, and team members.
Postal address: Dept. of Genetics CB50, UMCG, PO Box 30.001, 9700 RB Groningen, the Netherlands
Visiting address: A. van Deusinglaan 1 (Medical faculty building), 5th floor, Groningen
Tel. +31 50 3617100/ 3617209
Email i.m.van.langen umcg.nl
Laatst gewijzigd: | 30 oktober 2018 13:02 |