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Research GELIFES

BioClock consortium receives major NWO-Dutch Research Agenda funding

26 November 2020

Dutch Chronobiology researchers will join forces with societal partners to keep the biological clock healty in our modern 24-hour society. This BioClock consortium will receive a 9.7 MEuro NWO research grant from the Dutch Research Agenda initiative. This initiative made clear that our society has many questions about how biological rhythms relate to health, sleep, shift work, mental performance and the consequences of artificial light in nature. LUMC researchers Joke Meijer and Laura Kervezee will lead the consortium, while the University of Groningen plays a major role with Marijke Gordijn (CEO UG spin-off company Chrono@Work) and GELIFES researchers Barbara Helm, Peter Meerlo, Robbert Havekes, Marcel Visser and Roelof Hut.

Last modified:30 November 2020 4.37 p.m.
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