
Final Program (download program)
Sunday, July 2 / Der Aa-kerk, Akerkhof 2, Groningen
14:00 Welcome and registration
16:00 Opening (Marco Fraaije, University of Groningen)
Session 1: Introductury Lecture
Chair: Willem van Berkel (Wagingen University & Research)
16:15 Sandro Ghisla (University of Konstanz):
Flavins, a look back to the possible origins, and a glimpse forward
Session 2: Flavin-based Chemistry
Chair: Willem van Berkel (Wageningen University & Research)
17:00 Kurt Faber (University of Graz):
Flavin-based redox-neutral biotransformations
17.45 - 18.15: Break - drinks and snacks
Radek Cibulka
(University of Chemistry and Technology, Praque):
Rational design of flavins for organic photoredox catalysis: from photolyase models to effective tool in organic synthesis
Erik Schleicher
(University of Freiburg):
Radicals and radical pairs in flavoproteins
Robert Stanley
(Temple University, Philadelphia):
The optical absorption spectrum of reduced flavin is more complex than we knew: why it matters
20:00 - 22:00 Welcome reception Der Aa-kerk, AKerkhof 2, Groningen
The reception is offered to you by the University of Groningen, the Municipality of Groningen and the Province of Groningen
Monday, July 3 / Groninger Forum, Hereplein 73, Groningen
08:55 Opening
Session 3: Newly Discovered Flavoenzymes I
Chair: Bruce Palfey (University of Michigan)
09:00 David Leys (University of Manchester):
The UbiX-UbiD system: biochemistry of prenylated flavin
Karl Payne
(University of Manchester): Structural and mechanistic insights into prFMN dependent aromatic reversible (de)carboxylases
Valentino Konjik
(Mannheim University of Applied Sciences): RosB is the key enzyme of roseoflavin biosynthesis
10.45 Coffee/tea break
Session 4: Flavoenzyme Structures and Mechanisms I
Chair: Matthias Mack (Mannheim University of Applied Sciences)
11:15 Pimchai Chayen (Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology):
Beyond Monooxygenation by Flavin-Dependent Enzymes
12:00 Thomas
Lautier (Institut national des sciences appliquées de Toulouse):
Cytochrome P450 reductase chimera: turn around the hinge
12.30 Poster Pitch Talks (7x)
Felipe Calil (University of São Paulo):
Inhibition studies of the dihydroorotate dehydrogenase from S. mansoni using antimalarial drugs repositioning
Litavadee Chuaboon
(Mahidol University): Engineering of pyranose 2-oxidase for expanding substrate utilization
Marina Toplak
(Technical University of Graz): The origin of the berberine bridge enzyme-like protein family in plants
Simon Ernst
(University of Münster):
PqsL, an arylamine-hydroxylating monooxygenase involved in 2-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide biosynthesis
(University of Pavia):
Human FMO5: discovery of Baeyer-Villiger reactions in human oxidative metabolism
Eric Gädke
(TU Bergakademie Freiberg): Inhibition of ‘thermophilic-like’ ene-reductases by an N‑terminal cysteine
Andreea Iorgu
(University of Manchester):
NMR and stopped-flow studies pinpoint key residues involved in enzymatic hydride transfer in PETNR flavoenzyme
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Poster session + coffee/tea
15.30 Drinks and snacks
Session 5: Flavoenzyme Engineering
Chair: Marco Fraaije (University of Groningen)
16:00 Tobias Erb (Max Planck Institute):
CETCH me if you can:
Bringing inorganic carbon into life with synthetic CO2 fixation and flavoenzyme engineering
David Ackerley
(Victoria University, Wellington): Discovery, characterisation and engineering of bacterial nitroreductases
Steven Rokita
(Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore): Facile interconversion of a FMN-dependent dehalogenase and nitroreductase
Session 6: Young Investigators Talks
17:45 Tobias Hedison (University of Manchester):
Real-time analysis of conformational control in electron transfer reactions of diflavin oxidoreductases
18:05 Kelsey Kean (Oregon State University):
High resolution studies of hydride transfer in the ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase superfamily
18:25 John Robbins (Georgia State University): Formate oxidase (FOX) activity is governed by autocatalytic formation of 8-formyl FAD exhibiting unusual properties
18.45 Closure
Tuesday, July 4
08:55 Opening
Session 7: Flavoproteins & Cell Biology
Chair: Milagros Medina (University of Zaragoza)
09:00 Djemel Hamdane (Laboratoire de Chimie des Processus Biologiques):
Flavin-dependent Epitranscriptomic: When flavoenzymes regulate the translation
Jung-Ja Kim
(Medical Centre of Wisconsin): Electron transfer flavoprotein goes moonlighting
Marie Antonietta Vanoni
(University of Milan): Human MICAL-1 the multidomain flavoenzyme participating to actin cytoskeleton dynamics
10.45 Coffee/tea break
Session 8: Flavoproteins & Light
Chair: Brian Crane (Cornell University)
11:15 John Kennis (Free University Amsterdam):
Photoactivation Mechanisms of Flavin-Binding Photoreceptors
Brian Crane
(Cornell University): Light and redox sensing by flavoproteins
12:30 Poster Pitch Talks (8x)
Sami Ullah Khan
(Graz University of Technology):
The interaction of human dimethylglycine dehydrogenase with electron transferring flavoprotein
Jittima Phonbuppha
(Mahidol University):
Construction of eukaryotic bioreporter systems based on bacterial luciferase
Piero Leone
(University of Bari):
Functional characterization and homology modeling of a novel monofunctional isoform of human FAD synthase
Morten van Schie
(Delft University of Technology):
Kinetics of the light-driven reduction of 5-deaza riboflavins
Kiyofumi Takaba (Kyoto University): The role ofvalence electrons of FAD on the directivity of electron transfer in NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase
Duangthip Trisvirat (Mahidol University): Kinetics and product analysis of oxidase and monooxygenase activities of L-amino acid oxidase and monooxygenase
Andreas Winkler (Graz University of Technology): Molecular mechanisms of light regulation in LOV-diguanylate cyclases - implications for sensor-effector modularity
Hiromi Yoshida (Kagawa University): X-ray structure analysis of fructosyl peptide oxidases to elucidate the residues responsible for the oxidative half-reaction
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Poster session + coffee/tea
15.30 Drinks and snacks
Session 9: Flavoenzymes & Biotechnology
Chair: Nigel Scrutton (University of Manchester)
16:00 Yasuhisa Asano (Toyama Prefectural University): Use of R-Amine oxidase evolved from D-amino acid oxidase for chiral (S)-amine synthesis and oxidative cyanation reaction
Sheila Sadeghi
(University of Torino): Biotechnological application of human FMO3: an electrochemical biochip for drug metabolism
Selin Kara
(Hamburg University of Technology): Enzymatic redox-neutral convergent cascade for lactonizations
Session 10: Young Investigators Talks
17:45 Laura Mascotti (Universidad Nacional de San Luis):
On the evolution of flavin-dependent enzymes: retracing the steps
18:05 Hafna Ahmed (Australian National University):
Structure, function and evolution of F420H2 utilizing flavin/deazaflavin oxidoreductases (FDORs) in Mycobacteria Structure, function and evolution of F420H2 utilizing flavin/deazaflavin oxidoreductases (FDORs) in Mycobacteria
18:25 Mieke Huijbers (Wageningen University & Research):
Trimming proline dehydrogenase: protein and cofactor minimization
18.45 Closure
Wednesday, July 5
08:55 Opening
Session 11: Newly Discovered Flavoenzymes II
Chair: Kiyoshi Fukui (Tokushima University)
09:00 Robin Teufel (University of Freiburg): The structural prerequisites for enzymatic flavin-N5-oxide formation
Margaret Ahmad
(University of Paris VI): Cryptochromes and perception of electromagnetic fields: role of the redox photocycle and potential signaling mechanisms
Thomas Heine
(Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg): Enantioselectivtiy of styrene monooxygenases towards sulfides is defined by a tyrosine in the active site
10.45 Coffee/tea break
Session 12: Flavoenzymes & Biotechnology II
Chair: Pimchai Chaiyen (Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology)
11:15 Gianluca Molla (University of Insubria):
Playing on both sides of the mirror: amino acid oxidases as versatile tools for chiral biocatalysis
Sébastien Willot
(Technical University Delft): A light-driven cascade to promote peroxygenase catalyzed reactions
Session 13: Young Investigators Talks
12:30 Bastian Daniel (Graz University of Technology): Berberine bridge enzyme-like proteins: From characterization to application
12:50 Daniel Kracher (BOKU University Vienna): Fungal flavoenzymes involved in cellulose degradation
13:10 Wolf-Dieter Lienhart (Graz University of Technology): Drug development for cancer treatment and prevention targeting the human NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1
13.30 Lunch and Free time/Excursions
Thursday, July 6
08:55 Opening
Session 14: Flavoenzyme Engineering II
Chair: Giovanni Gadda (Georgia State University)
09:00 Elvira Romero (University of Groningen): Tuning the regioselectivity of a robust cyclohexanone monooxygenase by structure-inspired enzyme engineering
Gudrun Gygli
(Wageningen University): The ins and outs of vanillyl alcohol oxidase: identification of ligand migration paths
Dennis Stuehr
(Cleveland Clinic): Restricting FMN domain freedom and its impact on electron transfer and catalysis in the NO synthase flavoprotein
10.45 Coffee/tea break
Session 15: Flavoproteins & Health
Chair: Willem van Berkel (Wageningen University & Research)
11:15 Maria Barile (University of Bari):
Unraveling the role of riboflavin and its derived cofactors in health and diseases
Patricia Ferreira
( Universidad de Zaragoza):
Human Apoptosis Inducing Factor: from its molecular mechanism to its functional and pathological significance
Francesca Magnani
(University of Pavia): Crystal structures and atomic model of NADPH oxidase
13:00 Lunch
Session 16: Flavoenzyme Structures and Mechanisms II
Chair: Peter Macheroux (Graz University of Technology)
14:00 Giovanni Gadda (Georgia State University): The biochemistry and biophysics of D-Arginine dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Hans-Petter Hersleth
(University of Oslo): Activation of the class Ib ribonucleotide reductase by a flavin network in Bacillus cereus
Milagros Medina
(University of Zaragoza): Kinetics and thermodynamics in ligands binding as FMN production determinants in bifunctional FAD synthetases
Anne-Frances Miller
(University of Kentucky): Ultrafast kinetic studies reveal effects of electron transfer and charge recombination on the lifetime of flavin semiquinone
16.15 Coffee/tea break
16.45 General discussion: the future of flavoprotein research
17.45 Poster prizes and Vince Massey Awards
20.00 Conference Dinner and Dinner Lecture
Russ Hille
(University of California):
Flavins, Flavoproteins and Flavinologists
Location: Der Aa-kerk, Akerkhof 2, Groningen
Last modified: | 30 June 2017 10.38 a.m. |