Gerard Dijkstra
MD, PhD: Gastroenterologist
gerard.dijkstra umcg.nl
My research is translational research in which clinical questions (from bed) are answered in the lab (to bench) and used in the clinic (and back). The basic research was focused at epithelial cell activation and survival in intestinal inflammation. We are currently involved in unraveling pro- and anti-apoptotic pathways in both T-cells and intestinal epithelial cells particularly in the context of IBD and intestinal transplant rejection. Pathways involved in intestinal epithelial cell and T cell activation and survival may become new targets for therapeutic intervention in the future. Monitoring the effect and optimizing the effect known drugs, exploring the effects of new drugs, studying food/bacteria-epithelial interactions and candidate gene studies are the main activities within my translational research program.

Last modified: | 02 September 2020 3.36 p.m. |