Storage Policy
For preserving, sharing and collaborating on the research data and output, the Center for Information Technology (CIT) of the University of Groningen offers various IT solutions to the researchers. The entirety of those solutions and tools for research IT can be found via the IT Solutions section of the DCC or the IRIS service of the university.
During the project
During a project the research data is dynamic meaning that it goes under continuous modifications and increases in size. In order to prevent loss of progress and data ENTEG researchers are expected to store and regularly back up their research data and relevant material at least one of the following environments:
- Windows OS: For personal use, X: drive , for group use, Y: drive , provided via the University Workplace (UWP) and backed-up centrally. For both drives it is possible to request extra space up to 300 GB and 1 TB respectively. The servicedesk can restore deleted files up to 90 days or 6 versions after deletion.
- Linux OS: Linux Workplace (LWP) where your home directory (and project-dir(s) if you have those) are backed up in a similar or identical way as the Y: drive on Windows. If requested one can get up to 10 TB of storage as part of the project drive. Specifically, of deleted files a backup of the last version is retained for 60 days. For existing files, backups of the last 7 versions are retained for 30 day. Via the LWP one can also access Windows X and Y drives.
- Research Data Management System (RDMS): RDMS is a free long-term storage facility which offers advanced user and group management options. RDMS enables researchers to create environment for their own research groups and share data between different usersMost important feature of the RDMS is that the user can add metada for the datasets or individual data files. Metadata functions improve significantly findability of data among large number of data files.
- Low cost storage for bulk data based on demand and free. Up to 1TB storage space is possible. Data on low-cost storage is available for restore for 60 days or 2 versions after deletion. It is ideal to store data that doesn’t require daily interaction.
- Google team (shared) drive as long as the RUG account is used. Team/Shared drive is different from My Drive where the stored data is not deleted even if one of the members leaves. For user privileges and roles look at the help document.
- Peregrine cluster : /data drive can be used for temporary storage, and more space can be requested if necessary, however it is not backed-up. Therefore one needs to transfer the data to another environment before the capacity is reached. Users can easily transfer their data from Pregrine to the RDMS.
- Code repositories : In order to share, save and manage version control on analysis code, script of software researchers are expected to use GitHub, Google Colaboratory (with RUG account), Gitea or GitLab instances of the University of Groningen.
During a project researchers often collaborate with colleagues, from within and outside of the University of Groningen, on research data for analysis purposes or creating manuscripts for publication. Secure digital collaborative environments are
- RUG maintained: Virtual Research Workspace (VRW) where many researchers can conduct data analyses jointly and securely. VRW is currently a paid service but soon will be available to everyone.
- SURF maintained: SURF Research Drive, SURF Research Cloud and HPC Cloud
During a project researchers often need to share and transfer data between their colleagues or between institutions. In order to secure data transfer University of Groningen expects researchers to use the following protocols:
- Unishare
- SURF file sender
- SURF drive (not to confused with SURF Research Drive)
After the project
After the completion of a project the research data and output is not dynamic anymore. The latest version (thesis, article, poster, talk, book or book chapter) of a research product needs to be accessible and findable for re-use, citation and sharing both by the group leader and the public.
Researchers must leave a well documented copy of their research data and output either in Y: drive or the shared Google team drive.
In order to increase visibility, impact and findability researchers are advised to deposit their research data and output to the suitable repositories and/or databases.
UG’s policy requires that in general, raw data and the processed version at the UG must be saved for at least 10 years. In the event of research (or secondary research) data is sensitive data, the principle of data minimisation (conform GDPR regulation) must be applied as soon as possible. The Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity offers options to deviate from the retention period of 10 years. However, in that case the raw data and the processed version must be saved for a period suitable for the discipline and the methodology. The following could be taken into consideration when deciding on the retention period:
The nature (and especially the privacy sensitivity) of the data.
The need for source material to substantiate the results.
The applied scientific value of the research results.
The effort to make the data available for reuse.
The efforts of long term preservation.
The usefulness of source material for follow-up research.
The end product of a research project is expected to be published in open access repositories and journals.
Code repositories
Any code, script or software used to analyze research data or is the end product of research should be preserved and shared in code repositories mentioned above and to archives such as Zenodo or DataverseNL using appropriate documentationand best practices during and after the completion of the research project.
Last modified: | 14 February 2023 11.50 a.m. |