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EEF PhD Candidates

Research Project
Aguilar Loyo, Jhordano
Return predictability in a panel data setting
Amon-Armah, Frederick

Causes and consequences of savings of smallholder farmers: applications to cocoa farming in Ghana

Annibali, Claudio

Labour market outcomes: new aspects of human capital and gender disparities

Beek, Sander van
Unobserved heterogeneity in duration analysis
Beverdam, Jesper

Innovative financial instruments for nature conservation and sustainable landscapes

Brufal, Oliver Public sector organisations: selecting upon equal opportunity, talent and representation
Chande, Zubeda
Financial literacy and retirement planning: evidence and implications for pension reforms in Tanzania
Chen, Jiaxin The balance between profits and pollution in the international energy industry
Chen, Yu

Analyzing the impacts of behavioral interventions on promoting healthy food choices – Experimental evidence from China

Claassen, Bart
Supply-side frictions in financial and non-linear dynamics in macro-finance
Comploj, Castor

How do public policies and malnutrition shape mental health?

Diannegara, Ariadi

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosures: a study of the nature, drivers, and usefulness of sustainability reports in Indonesia

Dongen, Lisa van

Essays on financial inclusion and women’s empowerment

Düringer, Markus

Green bonds: what drives companies to issue them?

Elayan, Saif
A stepping-stone towards sustainable long-term care in Europe
Elgersma, Simon
Essays on tipping points in environemental economics
Febbraro, Francesco The role of non-bank financial institutions and interbank networks in the transmission of monetary policy and credit risk through the German financial system
Febriady, Ade Early child development; childhood poverty; intergenerational mobility; causal mediation analysis; return to schooling
Fu, Junqin tba
Geis, Alexandra
Women's empowerment and nutritional security
Gröbler, Adriaan
Han, Qianyun Corporate Governance and corporate social responsibility: the role of board-level employee representation
Herrmann, Oliver
Behavioral models of voter behavior
Hiddink, Wim-Paul

Strategic interactions in environmental economics

Huizinga, Anna

The effectiveness of macroeconomic policies in an age of secular stagnation

Jansen, Laura

Balancing employer and employee incentives: can the Dutch disability insurance system set a welfare maximizing example for other countries?

Kiernan, Caitlin

Exploring provider behaviour in youth mental health care markets: financial incentives, market power and costs

Langley, Madeline

Pathways to women’s empowerment: a novel interdisciplinary approach

Li, Wentao
The effectiveness of mandatory corporate social responsibility regulation
Ligtenberg, Hans
Reliable inference in case of many weak instrumental variables
Masciandaro, Carlotta

The distributional effects of climate policies and their mitigation

Montfoort, Floris van

Economic regulation of distribution network operators in decentralized renewable energy system

Muhamed, Tamool

Factors affecting maternal and neonatal health outcomes; an approach towards person-centred maternal healthcare

Natris, Joes de
The organizational capacity and autonomy of Dutch municipalities
Nelemans, Samuël

Inequality and financial markets: using idiosyncratic risk and habit formation to tackle the equity premium puzzle

Nieuwenhuis, Aukje

Unpacking the drivers of employment gender gaps: a focus on gender norms and individual preferences

Niewold, Jan
The velvet revolution in financial reporting
Odding, Céline
Interactions between economic behavior, economic background and health outcomes
Oldeniel, Mark van
Information processing and economic decision making
Ridho, Taufik tba
Scotti Bentivoglio, Giovanni The role of parental investments in children's cognitive and on-cognitive development
Shimu, Afroza
Essays on empowerment of young women in Bangladesh
Shui, Ailun

Early life conditions, socioeconomic status, and the health effects of Groningen earthquakes

Stangenberg, Lennart
Individual actions and political measures to mitigate climate change: complements or substitutes?
Stein, Claire
Empowering microfinance female borrowers in a transitioning economy
Swank, Lotte
The role of media influence on polarization
The impact of neighbourhood effects and socio-economic status on mental health over individual life courses
Vaart, Jeroen van der

Health inequalities, saving motives and the generosity of public insurance programs for the elderly

Veenstra, Arjen

Designing electricity markets on the way to net-zero emissions

Voorintholt, Lieke

Altruism: to all and from who?

Waal, Thalassa de

The stock exchange and economic growth – evidence from The Netherlands 1870-2000

Wakoya, Abdeta

Marriage structure, women’s empowerment and food and nutrition security

Wang, Guanyang
Werleman, Stephanie

Monetary and financial policy in sub-national island jurisdictions

Yan, Di Business group spillover effects: evidence from the supply-side structural reform in China
Yin, Ao

Understanding labour market discrimination through socio-cultural dimensions in the Netherlands

Last modified:18 June 2024 11.21 a.m.