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Research Centre for Religious Studies Research Departments Jewish, Christian and Islamic Origins Research Projects

Research Projects

Dr Arjen Bakker

Arjen Bakker

  • Wisdom and Mystery, from Qumran to Jewish Wisdom in the Hellenistic and early Roman period
  • The Formation of the Self in Judaism in the context of the Greco-Roman world

Prof. Mladen Popović

Mladen Popović

  • ERC Starting Grant, European Research Council (ERC), project: The Hands that Wrote the Bible: Digital Palaeography and Scribal Culture of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Principal investigator: Mladen Popović (University of Groningen):
  • NWO/FWO Cooperation Flanders (NWO, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research and FWO, the Research Foundation - Flanders), project: Models of Textual Communities and Digital Palaeography of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Principal investigators: Mladen Popović (University of Groningen) and Eibert Tigchelaar (KU Leuven):

Prof. Lautaro Roig Lanzillotta

Lautaro Roig Lanzillotta

  • Acta Thomae Apocrypha. Edition, Translation and Commentary. Collaboration with the University of Córdoba. Spain.
  • Religious and Philosophical Currents in Late Antiquity and their Resonances in Modern Thought. Collaboration with the Universidad del Salvador. Argentina.
  • Polymorphic Jesus Christ: Textual and Iconographic Testimonies. Collaboration with Universidad Católica Argentina. Buenos Aires Argentina.
  • Visio Pauli. Edition, Translation and Commentary of the Coptic Version, with colleague Prof. Dr. Van de Vliet from Leiden University.
  • Greek Spanish Semantic Dictionary of the New Testament. Collaboration with Universidad de Córdoba. Spain
Last modified:21 October 2024 5.43 p.m.