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Research Centre for Religious Studies Research Centres CRASIS

Network Initiative: 'Mortuary Rituals- Textuality and (Im)Materiality'

When:We 22-03-2023 13:00 - 17:00
Where:Collaboratory A, Harmony Building

On behalf of Dr. Tamara M. Dijkstra, Caroline van Toor and Paula Kalkman, CRASIS would like to announce the following:

Network Initiative: 'Mortuary Rituals- Textuality and (Im)Materiality'

How did people deal with the loss of a loved one? Which acts were set in motion when someone died? Which commemorative rituals were carried out after burial? And what kind of monuments were set up and how did the bereaved interact with those monuments? If you are interested in these and other questions surrounding death and the disposal of the dead in modern and past societies and you are based in Groningen (at the UG or the PThU), consider joining our local research network initiative on 'Mortuary Ritual: Textuality and (Im)Materiality'.

First meeting

Our first meeting, on March 22, will consist of short research pitches so that we can get to know each other and each other's work, followed by an exploration of the possibilities and wishes for future activities of the research network.


Registration is required, please do so before 12 March.


  • Dr Tamara M. Dijkstra (
  • Caroline van Toor (
  • Paula Kalkman (

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