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Research Centre for Religious Studies Research Centres CRASIS

CRASIS: Culture, Religion and Society – Interdisciplinary Studies in the Ancient World

CRASIS is an interfaculty research institute at the University of Groningen, dedicated to the study of the ancient world. We aim to advance interdisciplinary study of the interplay between culture, religion and society in antiquity.

Our activities focus on Greek and Roman cultures as well as early Judaism and Christianity and other minority cultures of the ancient Mediterranean and the Near East. We organise a monthly Ancient World Seminar , an Annual Meeting and Master Class and various other activities to promote interdisciplinary collaboration and discussion.

CRASIS is a partnership between the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Religion, Culture and Society, and the Protestant Theological University in Groningen. We receive funding from the Groningen Research Institute for the Study of Culture (ICOG), the Centre for Religious Studies (CRS), and the Groningen Institute for Archaeology (GIA).

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